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by Guest21493  |  earlier

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Why is Renny still mad at Dan?

I have been reading the feed updates, and I'm a little confused about the reason Renny is pi$$ed with Dan. I know Dan started some drama with the POV ceremony, and there was an issue with Dan using her, but why is she mad at Dan, when he didn't put her up on the block after Memphis used the POV.

It seemed to me that Dan was just covering his alliance without revealing that he was in one in the beginning.

Also, do you think it was a good move to tell Ollie, that had he said Jerry, then Jerry would have been backdoored, since Dan would be getting rid of another alliance?(Ollie, Jerrytol and Manchy)

While Dan is a little unconventional, he does play the game smarter than anyone else in the house. Everyone else just alligns themselves with someone else with no clue on how the game will go.




  1. Renny was pissed at Dan because earlier he told her that she is not safe or she's a target. I think he said to her that Ollie wanted Dan to nominate Renny after the PoV is used. This was not true because Ollie wanted Keesha as a replacement for Memphis. Renny was pissed because she didn't get why he lied to her and why he said that stuff to her. I think it was something like that.

    It's hard to keep up with these people.

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