
If you are with some one for 11 years and have 2 kids withat person should you marry him ?

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If you are with some one for 11 years and have 2 kids withat person should you marry him ?




  1. I wouldn't marry anybody just for recreation. If you love him, marry him. If you don't, quit sleeping with him. And by all means, if you have to ask on YA, stop having his children.  

  2. You should have been married 2 kids ago.

  3. I don't think it matters, you obviously love each other, and if things are going well, why change it now?  Maybe for tax and other financial reasons, but it's just a piece of paper that the state makes you pay for, I don't see how that should affect your relationship.  

  4. no mariage wrecks a lot and gets you used are you maried in your heart it dosent need to be on a pice of paper true love non mariage and stay cus you want to not cus you have to sounds like a great relationship he is their cus he wants to be he isnt tied down

  5. Not if you don't want to.  As a non religious person the only reason to marry is for the legal benefits not religious.

    My father friends have been together 30 years and never walked down the ilse.  

  6. No.

    You're probably not compatible.

  7. do what ever feels right

  8. Do you feel a need to?

    Lot's of great relationships die after a marriage.

  9. Well you know most of the people do it the other way around , they get married first , then live together for 11 years or more and in the meantime they have kids and well there is also a fourth step they get divorced , but since you have stayed with him and had kids so the only 2 which are left are marriage and divorce and because you cannot divorce him before marriage , go ahead and get married first.

    Happy Wedding.

  10. well only if you truly feel that you need to. i mean look at gene simmons  (kiss) and his wife. two  kids but not married. yet happy and living life. honestly its how you fee. no one can really tell you what to do.

  11. no  in most states you already are by common law

  12. Of course! You should have married them before you have the children...

  13. sure you should. i am with a person for 16 years and have 4 kids and we are not married but i would love to get married but cant afford to.

  14. If you think you want to be with that person,  for another 11 years or more.   You should consider getting married.  My husband and I got married after being together for more than 16 years.  We thought if we lasted that long,   there wouldn't  be much risk in losing.  But since the marriage things have changed and not for the better.   Before I didn't feel stuck, now I do.

  15. Absoluely yes.  For the children's sake.  It's a no-brainer, in my opinion.

  16. not necessarily.  i would look at financial impacts such as taxes.  i would look at costs and benefits of getting married.  it may be a disadvantage.  if the guy, for example, had bad credit i would not marry him because he might ruin my credit - regardless how long we had been together or how many kids.  i would not marry a person who lied or cheated or stole or was in jail.  it depends on the situation and whether marrying is an advantage to both.

  17. YES! why not?? unless there some serious issue or somethin then u guys should definitely get married..o and u should have been married BEFORE u had the kids..just my opinion..but yes u should marry him..good luck! =]

  18. yes ofcourse

  19. In society they would want you to be married to that person since we've been together along time. However, don't marry the person just because you can. You have to be sure that your in love with them. In order for it to last. Good Luck  

  20. Of course!


  21. you should at least talk about getting married. you been together for that long why not go one step further and tie the knot

  22. i would think so... i mean if you are not married to your kids dad, or never was in your life that is kinda wierd especially know the person for 11 years. (:

  23. No, you should have married him before the 2 kids but "Do you love and respect him?"  Seriously though, if there's a person that I wanted to marry, I wouldn't need to ask even 1 other person their thoughts on it because their thoughts aren't important in this personal decision.

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