
If you aren't supposed to judge others' s*x lives, why do people think they can make fun of older virgins?

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If you aren't supposed to judge others' s*x lives, why do people think they can make fun of older virgins?




  1. There is such a thing as an "over grown child"

    Some people grow up, graduate college, enter their 30's, and 40's.. yet MENTALLY..they never left High School.

  2. Why do you allow what other people say to rent space in your brain? I am 21 years old and I am still a virgin . And yes I do have a life. The reason I choose to remain a virgin is because I'm waiting for marriage. It is very clear that the first person that answered your question is an immature boy. But like I said, if intelligent people let people like him and the girl he is referring to rent space in their head, then we would all be mushroom smoking losers.

  3. Some people just are immature. . . they don't get that the rest of us quit finding certain things amusing in or even before high school.  It's not right, but it's how the world is -- there are unfortunately a lot of immature adults running around on this planet.  Ignore it and find something else worth paying attention to if you're not amused like they are.

    So long as you do what you do because that's what you feel is right for you -- not because other people are deciding for you -- I don't think it really matters what other people think.

  4. "Making fun of older virgins?"

    First time I heard that. As far this attracts more a man than repels it. So I supposed that the fun making must come from other woman.

    IMBO: Its of nobody else business. Except of the virgin and his/her mate. Why his/her proposing mate. Some people feel more comfortable to know that the person has not being with someone else.

  5. I agree that virginity is something to be praised and appreciated...

    And I also agree that there is a double standard that hedonists have an acceptance to promiscuity while criticizing virginity.

    And I also agree that society has double standards of "its bad to judge" but they still do.

    But I must disagree with something... I dont think its wrong to judge peoples s*x lives, or their lives in general.  I think that forming judgments is all society has left to prevent social anarchy and the complete degradation of social standard.  We must criticize and ostracize people, or else there wont be a standard to adhere to.  Law changes with social mentality... and so law cannot be the standard... there must be a continued moral and ethically objective standard.  Have you noticed that as society abandons religion, there is a new movement to favor "everything is relative, subjective" and we "shouldnt judge"?

  6. They have nothing better to do that butt their nose in other people's business. Why would someone else NOT having s*x affect them in any way?

  7. I do not believe being a virgin male or female is any body's business but the virgins. But then who and how many you are sleeping with is no ones business either. If you go around saying "look at me I am a virgin" Then you get what ever you get. Do you go around saying look at me I am not a thief?

  8. Perhaps if older virgins kept their mouths shut about their personal lives in the first place, people wouldn't make fun of them.

  9. its a feel good thing ! Unfortunately this comes from immature people who think a hymen is 1. saving them trouble and 2. a passport to being cool and fun once lost

    both are pathetic and need to reconsider their little concepts

  10. People make fun of each other, it's what they do. The people getting made fun of always say you're not supposed to do that, and the people who are making fun of them just laugh even harder and continue. It's not exclusive to older virgins. Promiscuous people get it pretty bad too, especially women. No matter what your s*x life is like, anyone whose s*x life is different is going to give you h**l. And actually, that applies to any aspect of your life, not just what you do in bed.

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