
If you asked someone out they said yes but u realised its the wrong decision what do you do?

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If you asked someone out they said yes but u realised its the wrong decision what do you do?




  1. If I was immature I'd pick a fight with them and make it look like their fault and break up with them.

    If I was me, which I am, I'd honor the date and then explain (if I still didn't want to date them) that we'd be better suited as friends.

  2. let em know you changed your mind

    you're entitled to do that you know...  dont' do nothing you don't want to

  3. tell them!!  

  4. HIDE.

    Just really ,HIDE.

  5. Act like a weirdo and they can dump you.

  6. Take them out for the first date, or real date, and the next day just say things just weren't what they seemed to be.

  7. tell him/her honestly. this is to prevent him/her from finding out in the future and feel more hurt.


  8. Well I would just tell him/her that i wasn't ready for a relationship and that I would rather just be friends.  

  9. Cancel plans and make them dislike me.

  10. depends on what is your purpose when you asking her/him out, if just go for a casual meal or gathering, nothing seems wrong.

  11. Learn to think about things more in the future before you actually do them. That way you won't always be such a dushe

  12. if you can, just go along with it. it might not be as bad as you thought. and if it wasn't all that bad, then what's the matter?

    However if you still think it is a bad idea, a couple of days after the date just say that you didn't feel anything and apologise and go on about your life.

    what is the worst you can do? (other than say yes)

    why is it wrong for you?

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