
If you ate NOTHING BUT FAST FOOD for an entire year.....?

by  |  earlier

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how do you believe you would feel by the time year was up?

do you believe your health would decline dramatically?

(and yes, i have seen the Morgan Spurlock documentary)




  1. i used to work at a BK and i ate food there. way to much. i cant eat fast food for 3 days consecutively w.o bein sick

  2. there is such a variety of fast food these days, i don't think i would feel any differently, i don't think my health would suffer, fast food outlets are increasingly becoming more aware of health issues.

  3. I would be fat as h**l.   I will feel depressed, and probably won't go outside, because i wouldn't be able to fit nice clothes(if any clothes) anymore.  I would drop out of school and my boyfriend would dump me.  I wouldn't have much energy,my health would indeed decline dramatically.  My life would be over pretty much.

  4. If I have nothing but fast food for a year I would probably be very sick my health would really go down really fast.

  5. I don't think I would survive that diet.

  6. heck yea.  you would gain about 250lbs. develop heart disease and maybe diabetes, so if that's what u want go right ahead

  7. I'd feel like a bucket of lard....and dead

  8. Its not what you eat that counts, but the quantity.♣

  9. i wouldnt feel anything different exept a little sick.... lolz

  10. You would look and feel like Rosie O' Donnell

  11. You'd weigh 300lbs!   If you ate Mickey D's...  But if you ate Subway like Jared..  then you'd be skinny! :-D

  12. fat

  13. yucks

    i would be bloated and very very sick.

  14. I don't know if my health would be dramatically altered, however, I do think I would feel like c**p.  I eat a lot of fruit and veg. as well as drink a lot of juice and water and most fast food places don't offer those options.  Also, Morgan's documentary was to show couch potatoes what they are doing to themselves, not athletes.  I am very active and know for a fact I can eat 5 times as much as some of my friends and not gain an ounce because I actually work out, not just talk about it or wish for some pill to reduce weight!

  15. I saw that documentary and what a load of c**p. As long as you keep active it shouldn't cause too much of a weight gain, but the cholesterol levels and saturated fats would be a different matter. I personally couldn't do it because I have to watch what I eat because of IBS

  16. I would probably feel really fat and would be nearly dead.

  17. You wouldn't be able to libe a whole year dining only on fast food. You'd either die of malnutricion or a heart attack before the end of the year.

  18. Spurlock was a self-serving prick who lied throughout his so-called documentary.

    Dude, eat what you want... in moderation. Don't listen to lying phonies like that jackoffasaur.

    I ran a pizzeria for two years back in the 80s. I ate it nearly every day for dinner and/or lunch. Being a running fanatic back then (before I trashed my knees) I kept my bodyfat down to 11%. I still love pizza, but rarely eat it anymore (my exercise is now walking).

  19. i think i would feel gross, lazy, sluggish, and weak. Yes, i think ur health would decline dramatically. I would be really fat if i didnt work out.

  20. i dnt think i would really last ah week . . . so in ah year i would be sooo sick!!!!

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