
If you attended a "channeling group" to "chat w/the spirits",did U find it accurate?

by  |  earlier

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{as far as the information 'being channeled'?}

Just curious because in a week will be going to one of those out of immense curiosity. I mean they do say that some ppl can actually become a vehicle by a spirit[s]






  1. Man watch out, you don't wanna get posessed or anything.

  2. You mean like Whoopie Golberg in "Ghosts"?? lol..I doubt that happens. If someone did that..I'm not sure I'd believe it. I THINK it's not that dramatic. I THINK they just hear messages in their head and speak them out their mouth. Anyway..that's what i did..without realizing it. I wish I hadn't now.

      I think you just listen and if you hear something that "rings a bell" (not literally)..then you can be pretty sure it's for you. She /he might say something like..What does this/that mean? Does it mean anything to you? I THINK if they say they DEFINITELY  have a message for you...use your discernment. Don't believe it just because they say it.  And now I guess the psychics will all thumbs down me. So far nobody had answered I thought I'd give it a try.

  3. It is a lot easier to do this than you think.

    You don't need a professional. Anyone can do it.

    Love and blessings Don

  4. could be interesting, ive never been to any groups, but say in the last year or so, i noticed when i had a question deep inside me, i noticed say days later even a couple of weeks, i started feeling like information was being channeled through me, in giving me answers that i could not of known any other way...and you can feel it when its happening, i cannt quite explain it, but you will feel it to, if it works for you...ive never practiced it, it just started happening, most of the time while its happening, ill grab my book and a pen and write it all really amazed with it when it happens.. sometimes ill ask questions i would never of known the answers, and it really does work, im surprised about it, wish i knew about this years ago.....good luck when you go, and let us know how you went, you,ll love it, when it happens and youll feel different in your self when it happens... the energy around you will become stronger, and you might feel a tingling sensation through your body.....please let us know, id be interested to see if anything happened.....

  5. It is possible to be "taken over", but those around you will certainly not allow it if they think it is too strong.

    I haven't attended any spiritualist churches, but I may have a look too.

    I have experienced spirits communicate to me by feelings and images as if I was experiencing it myself - which is probably the worst of it, but some prefer this way as using your voice is quite a drain for them.

    Watch out for performers and TV personalities who give vague answers - and end the night feeling more refreshed than they started - as you feel exhausted. - Avoid them at all costs.

  6. It sounds like this isn't quite the same as the John Edward and Sylvia Browne method of "communicating" with the dead, but you would do well to arm yourself with some information on how they operate.

    The information is almost always vague and the channeler relies on the person to whom he/she is telling the info to fill  in the blanks as well as remember the hits while forgetting the misses.

  7. Hello Auntie

    As a psychic myself, I would say go - be open minded, respectful & enjoy yourself.

    I think that you will find it interesting & maybe it will prompt you to want to develop yourself a bit more.

    Have fun x


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