
If you babysit all week long do you think you should be expected to babysit on your "days off" too?

by  |  earlier

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I watch these four kids all day. It is summer now so I have all four all day. No school ;( plus my own kids,making no more money than before school let out. Then they have asked me to babysit on Sunday the past two weeks in a row. I value my private time and feel like they do not. Any advice?




  1. if you dont want to do it, then say no?

    if you really need the money, then take the sunday... if not, then when they ask you, say no thanks because you need the day for yourself and your family

  2. If you can't or don't want to, tell them you have prior plans or that Sunday is your day off and you are not available.  You do have a right to have some time off and to yourself.  Do these people ever spend any time with their own children?

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