
If you became Supreme Ruler of the United States what would you do?

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You don't have to worry about assassination.

You don't have to worry about relection, you have the job for life.

What would you fix about America today?




  1. I will abolish the Supreme Ruler of the United States position, because that is anti-American and goes against the Constitution of the United States of America.

    After that, I could proceed with agendas to put USA back on track, like instead of making wars to profit Cheney's company, use the money to fix America's so many problems.

  2. As a Native American, I would discuss current state of affairs pertaining to the indigenous people of this land.

  3. Make Al Gore president after jailing Bush and Cheney.


  4. Ban guns.

    Put bounties on drug dealers.

    Get the CIA to assassinate the butcher of Zimbabwe.

    Extricate the armed forces from Iraq.

    Give all the citizens the choice of private or free public health care (means tested).

    Put sexual responsibility, parenting, budgeting and financial planning into the curriculum of every school.

    I could go on all day.....

  5. I'd first remove tax exemption status from non-profit groups trying to sway our nations politics.  That would put the religious right back where they belong - with no support or denial from our government as intended by the writers of our bill of rights.  I'd ban assault weapons from civilian use.  I'd regulate the profits of the oil companies and allow only a certain percentage of gross profits - this would stop the oil companies from ripping off the american public as they are doing now.  I'd slowly pull our troops out of Iraq, cut war spending to half or less than it is now and redistribute some troops to home and to Afghanistan.  I'd roll back taxes for those making 200k or more back to pre-Bush levels to begin to do responsible budgeting.  I'd make strong lobbying laws to get big oil, big business out of the pockets of politicians.  I'd make sure that I was the last supreme ruler - we've seen what they can do to countries and the world - Napolean, Stalin, Hitler ...etc.

  6. If I was Supreme ruler I would make myself king.  Viva la France

  7. I would respect and defend the American constitution. Nothing more needs to be said, really.

  8. I'd simply restore government to it's Constitutional functions.  That would take care of most the problems.  Then I'd work to get honest men elected to government.  That'd take care of the rest.

  9. First off, I would fire every dam politician and start fresh. I'd have it by the people for the people, and not some big shot that's wants to line his or her pockets with our hard earned paychecks. That's not what we're supposed to be about. We're a young nation compared to the other ones. We're still feeling our way. And it's going wrong, all wrong. The poor get poorer, while the rich get richer. I really wouldn't want the job. It would take someone with a lot more intelligence then I have to make it work. I can only wish for it to be better. LOL

  10. I'd get rid of half the freakin' stupid laws and give the people some credit for being able to run their own lives.

  11. I had a great answer, but I think "Baby Angel" has me beat on this one. I'm voting for her.

  12. I'd give all the illegal aliens 90 days to get out of the country. After 90 days, any illegal alien caught would be sentenced to a $5,000 fine and 60 days of hard labor. I would put the National Guard on border patrol on our southern border, with the order to shoot to kill any trespassers.

    I would open up ANWR and the US coasts to oil drilling, and I would expedite the creation of new nuclear power plants.

    I would make a generic form of Christianity the national religion, which would make prayer in school legal.

    Finally, I would hang the traitors at the NY Times in public and make membership in the Communist party illegal.

  13. I'd work alternative fuel sorces, nearly free health care, security, make wages more similar state to state, and pretty much redo the things that were done over the past decade or so.

  14. I would legalize prostitution & subsidize it for those who couldn't afford the services of a s*x worker, in so doing, reduce the stress & anxiety that permeates this nation.

  15. Order drilling for oil in AMerica and sell the oil and gas Only in America Kick out Exxon, WalMArt And others the exploit cheap labor and prop up China. Immediately round up and deport ALL Illegal aliens , and lock down and mine the borders and shoot all tresspassers on sight, Redeploy our troops if neccessary to Annex Canada, mexico and all Central south America and Carrabean countries, Green light  the CIA to dispstch Chavez , Castro, Akmedinajad, and Kim Jung ill, Bomb Syria,N. Korea,And China, Bill Iraq for their Liberation, and while i'm at it bill France and Germany too . and Put the rest of the world on notice that our NUKES are on hair trigger alert. withdraw from the UN open up Pennsylvania Ave and E st to traffic. Close the IRS,EPA, ENERGY, Education depts Cut Congress budget in half. Scrap the income tax.Out law professional lobyists.establish a tag and release program for Liberal vermin and subversives so we  know who they are.Man gun ownership Mandatory for all sane adults over 18

  16. Lower Taxes

    Lower Gas Prices

    Stop The War

  17. profusely apologize to the rest of the human race for the lies, deceat, cheating, death, ignorance, arrogance of the last 10 years caused by US on this planet.

    Then make plans to never let it happen again.

  18. John 7.19

    What do you think?

  19. I would hire Bush and Condi to help me make decisions!

  20. I would actually use the constitution to guide me. I would hold every decesion I made up to the constitition as if I were the SC.

    I would

    1. Pull out of Iraq

    2. Stop threatening Iran- oil would come down

    3. Bomb the tribal lands in Pakistan to dust, until there were no more alqueda

    4. Turn around the economy with public works projects, like FDR did

    5. balance the Budget

  21. Execute all lobbyists

    Make healthcare and oil publicly controlled

    Redirect all troops to protect the direct interests of the US

    Cut foreign aid to everyone so we can help ourselves first

  22. Secure the borders and remove anyone in the US illegally.

    Make English the official language.

    Round up all the lawyers and send them to China and the Middle East.

    Move the Capital to a private ranch in Texas.

    Send Dog the Bounty Hunter to track down Osama Bin Laden.

    Remove the restrictions on where oil can be drilled for.

    Give incentives to companies for building refineries and producing gasoline/diesel.

    Give doctor's incentives for doing cash business and bypassing health insurance/HMO companies.

    Repeal the Brady Bill and many other dumb gun laws.

    Make the term "global warming"  hate speech.

    Execute all murderers hanging out on death row, castrate all rapists.

    Use those receiving welfare to do public works within their abilities.

    Strengthen the military to pre-Clinton form.

    Allow prayer in school.

    Ban "Grand Theft Auto" and any other brainless, violent video games.

    Restrict the use of pesticides and antibiotics in agriculture.

    Ban the use of hormones and steroids in agriculture.

    Encourage the building of new nuclear power plants.

    Establish a National sales tax and do away with the IRS and our screwy income tax system.

    Have Iraq repay the cost of the war in oil.

    Place tariffs on goods coming in from China and other countries that use cheap labor to undercut our American products.

    Penalize companies that outsource their call centers to India.

    Make it illegal to have to press "1" to continue a call in English.

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