
If you believe flight 93 is a government cover up, where r the dead people that were on that plane?

by Guest58957  |  earlier

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some people say that flight 93 is a government cover up cuz there was never any airplane debris. my question is, if it's true that a plane never crashed there, then why did people die?

same question for the pentagon. if it was really a 'missle' that hit it, then why are there dead airline passengers from that event as well?

i'm not denying a government cover up, i just want to know your logic on this conspiracy. thanks

ps... yeah yeah yeah i know it was 7 years ago, get over it. people still have questions about the kennedy assassination!




  1. You really need to find a hobby.

  2. Their memories have been erased and they are working at Walmart.

    Simple question.

  3. I take flying lessons. If a plane crashes, there is debris all over the place. And we know what the terrorists said on board. Obviously it wasn't done by the government. Where would they find that many people to take over a plane and kill themselves? There was debris there, unless is magically disintegrated.

    Wow. I can't believe it was seven years ago. I remember when it was only one year after that event. I was in third grade on the first anniversary.

    A missile would have taken out any of those buildings lickity split.

  4. As a hobby - I often go out and look for old military plane wrecks in AZ, because there are literally close to 1000 plane military wrecks alone from WWII to present.

    I usually get the original crash reports filed by the AF before I go, so that I can Re-find the planes, by triangulating photos, looking for descriptions of the terrain.

    I've done this for years...and I've got to tell you, in most cases the military (and myself) never found remains of the crew, because of the heat that airplane crashes burn at. To give you an idear.

    I recently found the remains of a B-25 Mitchell Bomber near Tombstone, AZ. It was a training flight and only the pilot and co-pilot were on board, and neither got out alive. The biggest piece of the plane that I found was about the length and width of a ruler. Most of the metal melted into droplets which I could find in an area around the crash site. I even found a pair of parachute hooks, that ought to have been around the chest of a military aviator. It's creepy knowing that you're holding the only proof that a person died there in your hands.

    And this was a WWII bomber and not a jet that uses much more flammable fuel!  There just usually isn't anything left of people in violent airplane crashes!!!

    9/11 nuts are utterly ignorant!

  5. The people who are making up this bull f**uck about the govermant cover up conspiracy theory are reatrded **** f**ucks. The normaly are YouTube addicts who like making these f**ucking stupid theorys because they don't have anything else to do. if there gonna waste their time doing stupid stuff on the internet, putting random little facts together to make it sound like it fits together, the should just go watch numa numa or some sh**it

  6. there are quite a number of subjetc to observe, why these unnecessary things. please lead a simple and honest life and on seing you others will follow you to lead a good life.

  7. The help Brazil

  8. I don't think it was a cover up cause the government is lousy at covering up anything.  For everything that happened on 9/11 to be a coverup, there would have to be hundreds of people in on it.

    And you're right.  If the planes didn't really crash, how do you explain all the dead passengers and their grieving families?  And how do you explain all the cell phone calls from the passengers.

    And if the pentagon was hit by a missile and not an airplane, why are there airplane debris at the impact site?  Although there is not a lot of debris that survived the high speed impact into a solid concrete building built amost like a bunker, the pieces that did survive are way too big to be part of a cruise missile.

  9. I still have many questions about flight 93.  As far as the Pentagon goes, why are there no impact marks from the wings of this plane when you look at the impact point of the Pentagon?  I found a great resource that helped answer a lot of my questions.

  10. I do believe it was shot down rather than the official story that passengers fighting with the hijackers caused it to crash. That was because Donald Rumsfeld said in an interview that it was shot down but then quickly retracted himself. I do wish the truth of what happened would come out. It does nothing to dishonor the memory of the passengers and crew who died that day to say that the plane was shot down. Shooting down the plane kept it from reaching its intended destination and saved many lives that way. Why not say it?

  11. you sir need to find something better to waste your thoughts on.

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