
If you believe global warming has stopped, when did it stop?

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I've seen arguments that global warming stopped in 1998, 2001, 2003, and most recently, 2005.

So if you believe that global warming has stopped, when do you believe it stopped, and on what do you base that conclusion? And do you believe that 3/5/7/10 years of temperature data (assuming you're even looking at data) is sufficient to prove that global warming has stopped?




  1. Global warming stops in relationship to Al Gore's speeches. They shortly after he is don talking the hot air clears.

  2. It's pretty funny to watch their aguments change over time.  They all used to say it was 1998, but the data dispoves that claim.  Now they usually say 2001, but of couse provide no supporting evidence.  Tomcat says 2002 and DaveH said 2005.  Yeah um, 3-6 years is way too short to establish any kind of trend.  I guess they were saying that global warming stopped in 1994 too.  And 1984.  And every other time there's been a brief break in the warming trend.

    Funny thing is, the trend always continues upward.

  3. Until the world's surface monitoring stations are repaired and relocated away from urban heat islands, I am compelled to believe that there is no basis for AGW.

    The stations are providing false data...... Period!

    Garbage in.......... Garbage Out.

  4. lets not use the term global warming, even the IPCC dont use that term any more as they acknowledge that temperatures can go up and down now given current data. Whether man made co2 contributes to this is still only a theory and unproved, but thats because realistically it is impossible to prove, its been on average warming before man was churning lots of co2, so how can you tell wether its still the natural warming from the little ice age towards the 3000 mean or not?

    Theories aside, the fact is that the climate has cooled and warmed constantly over millions of years without any human input and will continue to do so with or without us. What we dont know is what it will do next as we have a poor understanding of the earths systems.

    Dont rely on models, if the theory is wrong in the first place they mean nothing, and they are full of assumptions and fudge factors called "feedback" to try and cause some co2 driven warming. If the models where accurate they would have seen the last 10 years levelling off and cooling and the sea starting to lower coming wouldnt they- all this proves is the models are wrong, not neccisariliy the theory.

    In 1975 all the so called experts where predicting an iceage and what happened to that?

    You cant critisice 10 years of data as being short (though it is), the IPCC base their theory on 25 years (also to short) of warming (its the only period of warming since world war 2 when co2 dramatically increased).

    So to sum up, the climate will continue to change, and at some point it will not doubt warm up again

  5. Whether it is a truth or an untruth, the fact remains that there needed to be a slowdown in fuel consumption.  Why?  Because the US is going broke spending billions of dollars to foreign countries to pay for fuel it needs.   Those countries can only buy so much in the way of goods and they don't need anymore.   But you still need the fuel.  There needs to be a way to be self sufficient with another power source and hopefully one will arise because of the competitive costs.  People who do believe in the global warming story (which may very well be true) have cut back and it has helped in giving the inventors time to find something else on which the planet can "run", otherwise the horse traders will be out in full force along with the bicycle makers.

  6. it has not stopped, the possible chance of global warming getting too bad in 50 years for humans to live on EARTH if we continue driving and not caring, is not global warming stopped. CARE ABOUT THE ENVIORMENT AND STOP GLOBAL WARMING, IT UP TO EVERYONE OF US! i have felt the effects of global warming getting worse every year. and the argument is rubbish. also it doesnt matter if global warming has stopped or not, we still have to respect the earth and be responible to make sure we dont start global warming or make it worse.

  7. Current global warming ended about 70 years ago and has basically flatlined since them except for minor variations below the 1934 high. Recent studies by scientists not aligned politically with the limits to growth religious cult and their high priest have expressed worry over the current low level of sun spot activity! This if true could be a lot more serious than any further warming could possibly be. Every time there has been a long quiet period of solar activity it gets cold fast.

    This leads to serious global cooling as happened between 1946 and 1958 and between 1970 and 1985, which were minor cooling periods. Or it could if extended become another little ice age like the one that extended from the middle 1300s through the middle 1800s that killed millions through starvation and disease, remember the black plague that devastated the world during that time!

  8. In the past 10 years none have been as warm as 1998.  The accelerated cooling over the past year and a half especially is reason to believe that global warming stopped.

    Continued rising CO2 levels are, to the alarmists, the reason for global warming.  Under that premise it is impossible to have a ten year cooling trend unless CO2 levels were severely curtailed, which they weren't.  So if you say that global warming continues to exist you must also agree that something other than CO2 is the cause.  I suggest you think of the sun.

  9. 2002, that is when it stopped.

    The peak in solar cycle 23 was 2003, solar activity is predicted to decline from that point to at least three more solar cycles. Plus the switch in the PDO, which is also a forcing.

    The facts are in the last ten years according to your favorite data the trends indicate that temperatures are flat, if not decreasing slightly.

    The 10 years prior to that (1988 - 1998) globally average temperatures increased by 0.3 - 0.4 degrees with a huge volcanic cooling event that occured from between 1991 and 1994, which cooled globally averaged temperatures by as much as 0.5 degrees C.

    If you look at the ten years prior to that you have the complications of one of the largest El-Nino's of the 20th century masked by the El-Chichon volcanic eruption of 1983. So as far as proof goes you can't prove anything:

    > The last ten years major El-Nino and La-Nina.

    > The Ten Years Prior Pinatubo

    > Ten Years Prior to that El-Chichon and Major El-Nino

    Page 9 (d) shows an attempt at removing some of these signals from the satellite data.


    > The earth's obliquity Angle decreases by 0.47" each

    > year, which changes the focus of the sun's radiation

    > on earth, resulting in climate shifts. As the

    > obliquity angle decreases, the hemispheres change in

    > basic temperature with the south becoming colder and

    > the north becoming warmer.  When the obliquity angle

    > reaches about 22 degrees, it will start to go the

    > other way and the north will get colder again and the

    > south will become warmer.  Obviously, and counter to

    > Al Gores unlearned theories, the warming of the

    > northern hemisphere cannot be stopped by man.  It will

    > stop and reverse itself.  Then the climate shifts we

    > presently experience will be goin the other way.  It

    > is pure logic applied to astro-physical law.


    > It has long been recognized that rather than staying

    > constant, obliquity varies slowly with time as a

    > result of external gravitational influences. The Moon

    > and Sun's tidal torques on Earth's ellipticity give

    > rise to the familiar 26,000-year astronomical

    > precession, while the gravitational pull of other

    > planets, primarily Jupiter and Venus, slowly perturbs

    > the orientation of the ecliptic plane in space. The

    > combined effect observed by Earth dwellers is an

    > ~41,000-year oscillation in the obliquity with overall

    > amplitude typically of about 2°. This oscillation is

    > one of the three Milankovitch cycles that ultimately

    > affect our long-term climatic system and serve as the

    > pacemaker of ice ages. The present-day obliquity

    > happens to be close to the mean value, and we are in

    > the middle of a downswing (see figure (1)). In terms

    > of real distance on the Earth's surface, one should

    > see a slow equatorward shift of the tropics by 14.4 m

    > a year-well over 1 km in a century!  

  11. it has not stop

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