
If you believe in abolishing pre-birth adoptions, do you also believe in abolishing abortion?

by Guest56120  |  earlier

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...and what about the mornign after pill?




  1. I  don't believe in abolishing any of them.  I believe in educating people on the issues....all sides...and then trusting them to make  decisions that are best for their OWN lives.  

    I believe in choice.

  2. I don't think one has anything to do with the other.

    If you believe in God, do you also believe in Unicorns?

    I don't believe in "abolishing" pre-birth adoptions totally.  I think the birth mothers should have access to home studies and photos so she can begin to think about who she might want to place her child with...I do however, see validity to the point that having the adoptive parents in the room, or having pressure of not disappointing someone may lead put pressure on a birth mom to make a choice she might not have made otherwise.

    I think reconsidering the practice of pre-birth agreements may end a lot of heartbreak on both sides.  I know it is not popular on this board, but my heart breaks for couples who have the one thing they want more than anything held out to them only to have it taken away.  I'm not saying anyone is entitled to any one else's baby or anything like that, I'm just saying it is awful and if it could be avoided why not?

    I don't know why you're asking this question together. I see no connection.

    I have no problem with the morning after pill as it prevents pregnancy and implantation....I guess I should have a problem with it as I believe life begins at conception, but I really don't and I don't know why...maybe because it is a c**p shoot....most women who take the morning after pill aren't even pregnant anyway.

    I don't believe in abortion, and to be honest I'd like to see a world where we have enough education and responsibility out there that unwanted pregnancies stophappening.  I'd like to see enough support out there so that when it did happen, women would not feel this was their only choice.

    I really hate people throwing abortion into the adoption discussion.  I volunteer in a crisis pregnancy center and the women who consider adoption versus the women who consider abortion are two TOTALLY different mindsets.  We have very few women who choose adoption, but the ones that do, never even considered abortion seriously.  It was keep the baby or adoption, but always have the baby.

    The ones who keep their babies often consider abortion, if only in a split second....OMG HOW AM I GOING TO TELL MY PARENTS! Panic!

    NOT everyone, but there was a pattern

    I've also worked with Project Rachel which is post abortion counseling through the Church, many of the counselors have had abortions.  We've had frank discussions, they never considered was keeping the baby or aborting.

    I don't know why people throw it is like the BS line that adoptees should be grateful not to have been aborted...well, I guess we should all be happy to be not dead, but my birth mom that raised me had just as much of a choice to abort me as a birth mom who gives up her child for adoption.

  3. With a population of about 7 billion, the world needs more abortions, and access to birth control (of course).

    All forms of adoption (of minors and fetuses) need to be abolished.

    Oh and adoption has NEVER prevented even one single pregnancy. Adoption is not birth control, it's child abuse.

  4. All abortions are prebirth. You might be referring to partial birth abortion in which the woman goes into labor but the baby is destroyed before it enters the world and takes a breath. I will spare you the gory details.

  5. I believe in abolishing pre-birth adoptions.

    I do not believe in abolishing abortion nor the morning after pill.

    Frankly, I don't think there's a connection.  Carrying a pregnancy to term may cause (for various reasons) the mother to change her mind about an adoption.  Making a plan beforehand may create guilt and/or coercive pressure.  Refusing to carry a pregnancy to term is a different issue.

    ETA:  There's no inconsistency.  She's asking about pre-birth adoption plans.  She's not asking about abolishing all adoption.  At least, that's not what the words say.  I've already explained how the two are unrelated.  What part of my explanation was unclear?

  6. There is no such thing as pre-birth adoption, unless you are talking about the adoption of surplus embryos.

    ALL adoption take place post birth, after the parents relinquish or have their rights terminated.

  7. I believe the morning after pill should be allowed one to every person and NO MORE(that is IF there was no way to get rid of it because if there were than I would get rid of it) Also I believe abortion should be banned through out the world unless highly unforseen circumstances and to tell you the truth I really don't know what that would be consdering I don't think abortion should be allowed at all. As for pre birth adoption I see no problem with that(if that is where the mother decides to give up baby before she delivers and does carry to term) because then you know the baby has a home to go to,and a good one at that.If the mother can not keep the baby then why not choose a family before birth for baby to go to instead of waiting til birth than just shipping it off to an orphanage until someone comes along. I really do not see one thing wrong with that...**** its way better than killing the baby just because the mother to be screwed up and wants an easy way out or just does not want the baby later on and does that...why not have the baby pretty much adopted before birth or after for that matter. But yeah,thats my take on it.

  8. I believe if everyone paid attention to what they were doing, there would be no need for abortions......


    Birth control

  9. there is no such thing as a legal "pre-birth" adoption to the best of my knowledge. To my knowledge parents can't surrender their rights until post-birth.

    I believe in women having the right to CHOOSE abortion and the woman having the right to CHOOSE adoption.

    BUT that doesn't mean that when you take the pre-birth MATCHING out of the equation that you're taking the RIGHT TO CHOOSE away from the mother. She could still have the choice to surrender after her child is born.

    and just for giggles: i also believe that women should have the right to choose the couples adopting their child/ren, taken from them.

  10. If a woman wants to select an adoptive family before she gives birth, that is her right.

    If she wants to wait until after she delivers, that is her right, too.

    And, if she wants to have an abortion, that is also her right.

  11. Everyone has a right to believe in whatever they want! It's no ones right to take that away!

  12. ?????????????  

    abortion and adoption are two separate interests.

    why is that so difficult???????????

  13. While I personally do not agree with abortion, I believe that every woman has the right to choose what is right for her - regardless of whether it is an abortion or a pre-birth adoption.  No one else should be able to make that choice for someone who is pregnant other than the one who is.  

    Just my opinion.

  14. I agree with the people who said that's wrong I don't beleive that if young women doesn't want a baby DON'T F****** HAVE S** jeez people need to relize that but people are too immature to relize that!!!

  15. I don't believe in abolishing voluntary relinquished adoptions.  I don't like abortion.  It just doesn't pass the moral gut check for me.  But I don't know if I'd go so far to say it should be banned due to the OTHER problems it would cause.  I would be happier if late term abortions were heavily restricted while emergency contraception was more available.

    ETA: There is a connection between the two, as posed by the question.  If you're abolishing voluntary infant relinquishment, the state is telling a woman that she has to parent her child.  But if you're not abolishing abortion, then the message sent is: If you're pregnant and don't want to be, it's okay to abort the child, but you are not allowed to place the child for adoption.  See the inconsistency here?

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