
If you believe in ghost? Is it invisible? Is it real?

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It's funny how people say they see a real ghost but when the video camera recorded it, There's nothing in the camera.




  1. You won't see anything on the video, as it picks up only light, not any other type of energy. A "ghost" is a deposit of energy, held by a wall, house, even a wood, when a person frequents that place over a long period of time, or has a sudden and intense increase in emotion. Violent death will do that.

    The first leaves a peaceful feeling to someone moving into the field of energy left behind, while the latter can be quite frightening. Whoever moves into such a field of energy feels it in the mind, not physically, and the image of the person - the ghost - 'looks' like the original person. Sometimes the visitor doesn't actually 'see' the ghost, but their mind interprets it is some other way. Mostly it is a feeling of extreme cold, and the goose bumps come up.

    There are sometimes other manifestations, like things moving, but they are all effects, not causes, and apart from frightening the bejesus out of you, probably can't do you any physical harm at all. Fear is what does the damage.

    So you see, they are 'real' in a sense, but have nothing at all to do with any imaginary demons, or other religious inventions.

  2. Its a ghost. I dont really understand what you mean?

  3. I have seen a few ghosts and orbs in my time but have never attempted to take a photo as I probably never had a camera with me...From what I have read, to pick up ghostly images on film you must use infrared film... Digital cameras and the like rarely pick up images from the 4th dimension...

    In Light...)O(

  4. I believe in ghost and have seen them. I was scared at first but really now I'm just like whatever leave me alone. Alot of people don't believe that unforuntely and call me crazy but whatever. I think they are real but only your eyes can see them. Like with pictures they say the ghost is like the little white light, I doubt that because you wouldn't be able to capture them on camera. They arn't invisible though when you see them in person, they can appear n show you themselves or they can just hide themselves and anoy the h**l out of you.

  5. the ghosts i know of are pretty invisible arlight.

    i talk to them on the ouija board :]

    i love you!

  6. Yo Yo My Name is Yoland but you can call me Yo! anyways, I believe that ghosts are real, it actually depends on your belief in them and so on, you can see them. I've seen lots of ghosts when I was younger, like when I was 12...I kept hearing voices and seeing things that freaks me out. For the camera, maybe the person recording it can see it but you can't, because I have made many recordings but no one seen the ghost I've recorded, it might be my imagination, I thought but there is also an chance that ghosts are real... scientists would need to find out

  7. in case you didn't know there shy around the camera.aren't you. and there naked most of the time.How would you feel if some one just poped up with a camera and took a picture of you while you were naked.

  8. A Ghost is a Spirit which is a Soul the Etheric body that we use to Astral Travel so when we pass over that is what leaves the body. It is understood as a sort of life force body or aura that constitutes the "blueprint" of the physical body, and which sustains the physical body.

    Some people don't pass over because of unfinished business

    Or they just don't know they have died

    Or they didn't know to go to the light

    This is what people call a Ghost

    I call Earth bound Spirits some call Lost Souls

    You also have a Spirit Guide which has been with you from the time you was born till the day you pass over : )

    Do you also know that people that Astral Travel are seen as ghost, so maybe people are seeing ghost maybe are just living people just exploring via Astral travelling : )

    Food for thought isn't it ?

    Nothing in life is to be feared, It is only to be understood.

    Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it.

    Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held.

    Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books.

    Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin.

    Believe nothing just because someone else believes it.

    Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true !

    Love & Blessings


  9. They are 100% real, but they are evil angels (angels who followed lucifer) and were cast from heaven. Satan and his angels chose to come to Earth and deceived Eve first. Then Adam came along and sinned too. Following this, we all have a sinful nature. The bible tells us about this.

    If you allow me to say this VERY important true story, you will be VERY glad you read it:

    This story comes out of Canada pre 1950. Roger J. Morneu returned home to Montréal following working in the navy. He then met up with a friend of his who introduced Roger to séances. One day while at a séance, a well know man (a Canadian jazz musician) felt impressed to talk privately with the two men and he took them to a very nice restrurant and told them about the satanic worship temple in Montréal.

    They started going to the satanic worship temple. When Roger looked at the people there, they were not like what he had expected, they were very well dressed and distinguished people from the Montréal community.

    To skip a lot of this, while regularly attending this place, Roger and his friend were introduced to the satanic priest who informed them of many things. One day, the priest took them down into another worship room which had alters to chief spirit councilors and at the end, a large portrait of Lucifer with a massive alter.

    From his time there, the priest told Roger and his friend many things of which I will sum up three of the most significant things.

    The priest told them about a time pre the industrial revolution (yes, this was referring to the 1700s) when Lucifer and his chief councilors (high ranked evil angels) got together and held a meeting to devise an ultimate plan to deceive as many people as they can. Satan could see this industrial revolution as a great opportunity and is the reason why they devised a plan with three main points.

    1. Satan and his chief councilors made a plan to make the world believe that Satan himself and his evil angels don't exist.

    2. Satan brought in the practice of hypnotism as being an acceptable practice (hypnotism gives control to satanic powers).

    3. Through two people, mainly Charles Dawin, Satan made the belief of the evolutionary doctrine. Every person who teaches evolution is a great asset to Satans purpose.

    To let you know what happened to Roger, I will have to also say this.

    One day while at the satanic temple, he heard the people talking about sabbath keepers and how they are protected by worshiping on the sabbath day. This got Roger thinking and one day at his job as an embroider, his new neighbouring embroider was a sabbath keeper, which Roger eventually found out.

    Roger was very interested to know more and was invited to this mans home and had bible studies (many of them, as he feared for his life with the inside knowledge he had of the satanic temple).

    This is a quote from Rogers book: "A trip into the supernatural"

    [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[["After my phone call I went back to my apartment. Then I decided I might as well get to bed, it’s late. I was not sooner in bed then the lights went on. I got up and went and turned the lights off. Came back to bed; the light goes on again. I said to myself, “there’s no use getting up and turning the lights off, they’re going to put them back on again. So I’m going to decide to go to sleep with the lights on.

    So after a while things start moving around the place. A picture on that wall goes and sticks itself on the other wall where there is nothing to hold it up; and the light that was on the table moved and stand in mid air, it stays there. I wasn’t at all afraid at this time because of the fact, you see, human beings get accustomed to a lot of things and you get supernatural strength either from good or evil. The Lord was seeing me through this thing. I knew I was going to have a terrible struggle some where along the way some how. They were going to try and destroy me, no question about it.

    So after this nonsense had gone on quite a while, I went off to sleep, I said. “Hey, I’m going to get my rest, I’m tired. Lord, bless this fellow to get some rest from these spirits,” and I went to sleep. They woke me up about two o’clock in the morning again, and about four o’clock.

    Now at four o’clock in the morning I sat up in bed, pushed my pillow in the back and I said to myself, “What in the world am I going to do?” Because the Lord doesn’t clear them out from me. Then I got a thought that maybe the Lord just wants me to know from the spirits exactly how I’m standing with them. And I said to the spirit, “You want to talk to me.”

    The spirit said, “Yes, Finally! I’m able to talk to you. What in the world do you think you’re doing?” You see the Lord had held back even on the spirits that the spirits could not talk to me. I realized that they were under very special control. So I got talking with the spirit and I realized that he was a spirit counselor. Because he said, “The master has tremendous plans for your life. Fame, honor, respect, wealth, don’t you value any of these things?”

    I said, “I want you to know spirit that ten days ago, I would have grabbed your offer, but now you’re talking to a former spirit worshipper and I’m educated to the reality of life, especially the reality of eternal life; especially the reality of eternal life.” I said, “I’m not interested”.

    For about two or three minutes maybe four minutes, and that’s a long time in a conversation, there was no response to what I had said. Then when the spirit spoke again he had a tremor in his voice, in other words, you know when a person gets really desperate in a crisis situation? Your voice changes; and it gave me the impression that he had a hard time expressing himself and that was a very clever individual.

    “Well,” he said, “We’ve worked so long over the years to prepare you for the master’s work and what are you doing?” He told me, “OK. You’re turning down the offer of the master?”

    I said, “Definitely”.

    He said, “From now on, poverty will be the lot of your life. That is, if you can manage to stay alive!” and he said, “That I doubt if you’ll have much of, your days are numbered!”

    I said, “You know, spirit, the high priest mentioned about higher powers? I’m affiliated now with the higher powers. I don’t have to concern myself with you or your master or any of the other spirits because you’re all losers. I am the winner! A hundred million years of perfect life, recreated, translated, or resurrected, my years will be counted into the millions of years. If I take the offer of the master, what do I have? I’m twenty years of age, even if I live to be a hundred, how can you compare that to a hundred million years? And I’ll have all the gold that I want and the silver that you’re offering me and more, so I’m not a loser anymore, I’m a winner!”

    And the spirit says, “We’ll destroy you!” and he laughed, this was frightening, he had this laugh that caused me to think immediately of the laugh that Nero must have had on his face when the lions were tearing the Christians apart. I said, “This is the way Nero must have laughed when the lions were tearing Christians apart in the arena of the Coliseum in Rome.”

    When he finally left he almost took the door with him, he left through the balcony door and the door was slammed open and the doorknob almost went through the plaster of the wall. I commanded him in the Name of the Lord Jesus to leave my place and come no more. And he left, and instead of slamming the door shut behind him like a person would, he slammed the door open as he went out and you could see the imprint of the doorknob in the plaster"]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]... END QUOTE

    This happened when Roger was in his 20s... God saved his life and he lived into his 80s... even though he had a price on his head from leaving the satanic temple. You can trust God.

    God is real also, and Jesus is the reliable source for us to go to. I hope you come to accept Jesus too.

  10. it is real. if you go asia

    look at the temple photos u see shadows and faces

    and if you record in temples or voice record you could hear lots of things that you cant hear

  11. Mostly shadows

  12. Ghost exist to me but if they don't to you then no matter what anyone says there's no changing your belief until you experience what I have.

    Also when it comes to film not all can be filmed as some people can see with their eyes as they are clairvoyant and filming it won't show it unless the spirit has actually taken form from the energy it collects.

  13. If theirs nothing on the camera their probably making it up. Im not sure if they are invisible or not, but I believe in them. Type in ghosts on youtube. There are videos with stuff IN them.

  14. I knew someone who experienced a ghost Nanny living in their home.

    She used to tuck his brother in and his brother used to talk to her as well. He called her Mary.

    She also used to take care of his father as well as he was a bit sick. He was about 8 at the time and his brother was 5.

    He said you could see through her

    It turned out there was a governess who lived in the house a long time ago and she lived with the same family till the day she died and her name was Mary as well.

  15. For most people its seeing is believing... and you know when you see one

    Its a awkward feeling to me because my senses can feel something weird that im not used to.. the day i saw one was scary as i was walking to school and saw a hunched old lady, i looked down for a split second, then back up and she had gone... i had to walk past the place where i saw her and my senses and nerves went crazy...

  16. Ghosts are suppose to be only visible on photographs and videos.

  17. No sorry I dont believe in ghosts. There are no such things as ghosts.

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