
If you believe some people truly are clairvoyant?

by  |  earlier

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i'd only like to hear from those who believe certain people have been gifted this way.

so my question is... i went to see the lady who was even on national tv once and she' not fake and doesn't charge money. she said i would not move to another place (country) which is like my ultimate goal after graduation. so, i don't get it; if i decide to leave, i'll just leave but she said i wouldn't - by the way she was right about everything else.





  1. The real clairvoyants, unfortunately are not always 100% accurate. Did she also discuss with you that we all have 'free will'

    I've seen a psychic before, an audio clairvoyant (NOT a charlatan) & she was 90% accurate in the things she told me. ~ 90% of the things she told me have come to pass, (she also told me things that NO-ONE else knew about me ~ she was amazing!) the other 10% not, she was also very careful in discussing with me that we all have 'free will' in the matter of our lives ~ If you are specifically told something by a clairvoyant for instance & you do not want something to happen they have told you will happen, you can influence/change the outcome by taking adverse actions.

  2. no destiny is written out their are many paths that enterlock and branch off, nothing is written till you actually do it, there could be alot of things that happen to stop it, but u can do anything (free will) but you have to have the will power to go out and do it, ghandi martin luther king jr are examples of it they defied everything and achieved much, but they also lost much, and descided to take the path that they chose

  3. Sounds like she "predestined " you for this. I don't think she has the power to do this. God gives us free will . I don't think that predestination or prophecies or fate give us free will. That's why I'm afraid to go to psychic...When they tell you what they think is your haunts you the rest of your life. I'd rather they just give some advice and help you with your present life..and maybe comfort you about loved ones who have crossed over.They should leave the future to God..who gives us free will.I could even see if she said you shouldn't go out of the country.But, I don't think she should have said you WON'T.

  4. It may be your plan to move, and you may get everything into place to make a move, but it is possible that at the last minute, something comes up that has you not moving.

    So I can see how time will tell if she has seen this aspect correctly.

    No clairvoyant is 100% right, as has already been said.

    Often, they are right, but the reading is done at a certain 'time' and the things that a person does after the reading can change the outcome, thus giving the perspective that the clairvoyant was wrong, which in actuallity, they did thier job. To tell the person that this will happen, if it is something the person does not like, they take the steps to change it.

  5. Maybe it was a subtle way of telling you that you would die soon - otherwise what would prevent you moving if you wished to do so?

  6. If it's your goal to move elsewhere don't let some psychic tell you to do otherwise.  If you end up moving elsewhere, then what does that tell you about the psychic?  What, she's *usually* right?  How about she usually guesses correctly, but not this time?

    So a psychic isn't 100%?  Neither am I when I'm guessing.  Well, then what percent is acceptable?  Does the accuracy fluctuate according to the level of detail given?

  7. Here's the thing about having a reading.  Everything we do, regardless of how minute it seems, changes our "so-called" destiny.

    Think of it in these terms.  You come to a fork in the road.  You decided to go left instead of right.  You've just changed your destiny by not choosing going on the road to the right.

    Here is another example.  You are standing at a pond.  The pond is calm.  No water is moving.  You pick up a pebble and throw it into the pond.  Where the pebble has landed in the pond, there are now "circles" which resinate from where the pebble landed.  This is what happens when you do anything.  You put it out in the Universe (much like the pond) and each ripple will cause a different effect.

    Please remember:  NOTHING is set in stone (other than what Spirit as planned/pre-destined for you).

    Have a lovely rest of the day.  Good luck with your move after graduation (which I believe, if you truly want it, you will make it happen).

  8. Goblin is right--everything you do or don't do can change what happens in the future. The simple act of knowing the future changes it.  Sounds rather vague I know, and rather a lot like an excuse but think about it--now that you know she said that, and you want to move away... wouldn't you be more likely to make sure what she said *doesn't* happen?? What you believe will happen dictates where you put your energy. Where thought goes, energy flows. Where you put your energy makes it more like something will (or won't) happen.

    But I'm also a fan of Fate. If it's meant to be, it WILL be. :)

  9. Despite the disinformation often posted and in the media by skeptics most psychics (clairvoyants) do not claim a 100% accuracy rate. When the future is involved it is even harder as that people continue to have free will and make their own choices.

    However, from your comments I say it is too early to judge. It may be your goal after graduation but that choice has not yet been made and acted upon. It may be that family or other personal issues keep you located in your country or you may find the perfect job without moving to another country. You may visit the country you wish to move to and find that it's not for you.

    Then again you may decide to move to that other country and the psychics view of the future was not the version that you choose.


  10. absolutely ,iv'e had very detailed flashes of it myself, but do remember u are the master of u own fate .

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