
If you believe that religion harms ones education could someone please explain why most Catholic schools?

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out perform our public schools just as do many Protestant schools?




  1. well, it could be the increase of funding going into private schools. or it could be that those schools do not have to teach to state mandated testing and do not have to fallow the 'no child left behind' act.  they also can deny kids that lack intelligence.  

  2. Yes parochial schools often outperform public schools, however, they are usually the ones that are from mainstream religions.  The schools that teach nothing but home economics to the girls, or Bible classes all day,  are not so great.  Just like home schools,  there are great ones and terrible ones.  In the university years, many Christian colleges produce very educated grads, but a lot of kids that went to Billy Bob Bible College cannot get a job.  I would suggest looking into accreditation for the first clue as to legitimacy of instruction.    

  3. Money, taken from the naive flock.

  4. Any school that does not accurately teach science is below standard.

  5. Private schools DO turn out better educated kids, there isn't a doubt.

    I went to Catholic Schools and they were allowed to discipline us!  If we went home and whined to Dad that the nuns smacked us with the pointer-Dad would have said something like and if you do something to deserve that again- I'll spank you too when you get home!

    Today, the kids sass and the parents would back the kid up not the teacher!  

    The schools are TOO BIG. Too impersonal. Little johnny gets lost in the crowd.   Too much emphasis on sports, instead of their basics. Too much "social engineering" also in the public schools instead of being sure every kid can read!

    It's ridiculous.

  6. How can religion have any outcome on grades. It depends on if the schools selective or not, religion (in my mind) doesn't even come into the equation.

    I went to a catholic school- which was pretty  much as bad as can be, then I left and went to a non-religious school which is ranked at about 50 in the country!

    Religion has no bearing on whether pupils are bright, hard-working and enthusiastic.

  7. It is not important how you can perform in education but what do you do with this education. If you will use it to say that God is great, then all this knowledge and intelligence of people is gone wasted.

  8. Actually they don't as UCR Riverside was upheld in court because a christian school was trying to get their classes accepted and couldn't . I think they were trying to get creation accepted as science . Think of all that money their parents wasted sending them to a school that won't get them into a decent college .

    I wonder why a teacher would brand a cross into a 8th grade student's arm while not teaching science in a competent manner and yammer about cretinism then complain and sue when he is fired . I am shocked the b*****d isn't in prison .

  9. Get an F and you go to h**l.  If that's not motivation I don't know what it is.

  10. Religion doesn't harm one's education, well depends on the religion.

    Only reason I believe catholic schools are more popular is

    a) The Punishment (though now it's different)

    b) Most Americans are actually Europeans (by descent) and most of Europe is Roman Catholic

    Christianity (Protestant) don't really have too much concern for money and education; finding God is their top priority that's why there's not much Christian schools.

    Catholicism is a completely different story.

  11. Okay, Catholic schools actually get less funding than public schools. Teachers are paid less at a Catholic school than at a public school. So why do Catholic schools actually perform BETTER?

    It's quite simple. There are smaller class sizes, more discipline, and more support from parents because the parents actually care about their child's education.

    A lot of the discipline comes from the uniforms, and this is why I'm such a huge advocate of uniforms. When everyone is wearing the exact same thing made by the exact same brand, the rich kids can't tell themselves apart from the poor kids, and so the poor kids don't get picked on by the rich kids, and there are no strange outfits or hair styles that are distracting to the learning process. There's no comparing of labels, so the kids spend more time actually learning.  

  12. Catholic schools are excellent, usually.  And of course, many of the earliest and finest universities were founded by the church.

    You can't really compare public vs. private schools. Public school have to take everybody.  You have low-performers and physically disabled children taking the same standardized tests their normal classmates take, and that pulls down the averages.

    Private schools can be selective. While some of them do allow LD and other mentally impaired children, most don't, so their standardized tests reflect that and they appear to outperforming public schools.


    Edit@Starjumper.  You are so wrong it's laughable.  Private schools spend less per student than public schools.  But they operate more efficiently.  They know they have a limited budget and they stick to it.  Public schools are tax-supported and private ones aren't.  They are supported by tuition and donations by people who have thoughtfully made the decision, not out of naivete, but from their values.

  13. And the fact that many of the GREAT universities were started by Theists.

  14. This is just my experience.  The Catholic elementary school that I went to wasn't really any better than the public school in my area.  They just made the work harder, and they were sure to humiliate any student that could not learn college level biology in 8th grade, for example.

  15. Then why were my brother's three children not taught about evolutionary biology in their Catholic school? They had to take remedial science courses in order to be accepted into university.

    Yes, education won the lawsuit brought by the science-fearers. Under the News section, the National Center for Science Education has the details of how Christians were not discriminated against simply because their parents were morons who either home-schooled them or sent them to rightwing academies. The judge ruled correctly.

    There are many "christian academies" where I live in the Bible Belt, to keep kids racially segregated. Educationally, they are horrid. The only religious schools I would send my kids to here are one Presbyterian school and the other being Episcopalian. They are so good with education in the sciences. But they are expensive.

  16. Bureaucracy harms it more.  To bad it isn't illegal.

  17. I don't think that religion harms your education, as it is important to learn about religion.  Often you'll find through talking with religious people that they are naive and refuse to learn anything that 'might' contradict their beliefs.

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