
If you believe that women are the weaker s*x and you are a women...?

by  |  earlier

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Will you vote in the next election? I am trying this one more time from scratch in the hopes that people can understand the question.

If you are a women who believes that feminist have ruin the family structure, women should stay at home, and men should make all the decisions and lead women around; will you vote?

If you will vote; I am curious how you feel about taking advantage of a right that was fought for by the feminist movement?

I hope this is easier for you to understand.




  1. Wow you get the the wieghted question award for this hour heh. Yea i understand that your basically saying if your anti feminist why are you using a ability that apparently the feminist movement gave them. I dont see the point in comparing the current feminist movement to the movement of the 20's you might as well compare a ravenous bear with a golden retriever. Although that would depend on your school of feminsm.

  2. I do think women are the weaker s*x. Physically, it is undeniable that the vast majority of women are weaker than the vast majority of men. Anyone who says otherwise is being stupid.

    The suffragette movement who fought to give women the vote bore little resemblance to feminists today. They were fighting for women to be treated as humans and not as slaves or animals. They did not want to be treated the same as men, only to have the rights and opportunities they deserved as members of the human race.

    There's a difference between appreciating what they did for us and trying to completely throw away traditional gender roles.

    I hope that's easier for you to understand.

  3. I was around at the beginning of the women's liberation movement.  Since then the numbers of men, coming out of the closet and crossing over are staggering!  So, you tell me where this is all headed. I already know!  No, I would 'never' vote for a female president!  And... I am a woman.

  4. My dear misanthrope.  I am afraid you are so full of confusion about women's abilities, rights and hard-earned privileges, that you are not completely able to articulate what you want to ask.  Women are generally weaker than men when it comes to pure muscle-power, but not in any other way whatsoever.  We work, we marry, we have homes and families, and we vote.  We have worked hard to gain equality, which we have achieved only partially to this day.  Feminism has not destroyed the family.  It is far from being destroyed, but has been harmed far more by paternalism than by feminism.

  5. How does one become "a women"?

  6. I WILL VOTE because I think that (especially this ellection) voting is the most important right that we as people have.  Although my faith in politics is wavering and I don't really think that my voice makes that much of a difference I will continue to fight for my views.  However, in reference to your question I have to say this; now days everything is so "PC" that everything has diminished and that is because everyone wants rights (not that this is wrong in anyway) but I think now what we are fighting for is not equal rights but unfair rights.  For example, I was a volunteer figherfighter in MN here and there were two seperate tests to be a fire fighter, (the woman's and the man's) I personally think that is wrong.  I think that if you want to be a fire fighter we should ALL have to take the same tests. (For a better view of this the woman's test was half the requirements of the man's) and the same goes for the military, when I was in boot camp, I had to only do 10 pushups to pass where as a man would have to do more.  Now I am not in perfect shape and I don't have the best arm strength but I think we should have EQUAL rights and not unfair rights.  We live in a day and age when anyone can be anything, is it not unfair to say that they all have to face the same difficulties?  This is what I think the orginal feminists and peace makers were trying to accomplish, not what the "now days" greed mongering activists aim for.

    as addition to that I would say that as a general rule women are less able in areas that men are good at and vise versa, so we should all do what makes us happy (man woman or alien) and I would ONLY vote for what I believe to be the right canidate, weither it be a man woman or alien,  (personally I don't really know if I like the woman presidents that have come in for our votes but my opinions could change for the right canidate)

  7. I do not think women should not have a say in things. She should be submissive to her husband and that doesn't mean she has to agree with everything he says. If he says something that she doesn't believe is right, then she can confront him. He is in return supposed to listen to her. She isn't his slave, she is his helper. She is only submissive to her husband too. Outside of the home, she can vote for who she thinks will be a good leader. She doesn't have to listen to her husband on matters like this, although many married couples have the same political views. Submission is not slavery. You are not you husband's slave you are his helper.

  8. I certainly believe that women are physically weaker than men, I think that is a self-evident fact.  I don't believe that women are any less capable than men of deciding who to vote for.

    I do not believe that all women should stay at home if that doesn't suit them.  I do however take issue with the notion that going out to work is some kind of "right" that women yearn for and that men are anxious to deprive them of. Going out to work is for most women, and always has been, a matter of economic necessity, and nothing to do with "rights" but with the need to survive. Many men are more than happy to have wives working, and always have been.  It is a matter of economic survival.  Nor does it have anything to do with who makes the decisions in a family, there are plenty of stay-at-home wives who are not lead by their husbands, or who rule the roost themselves.  And plenty of high-powered career women who are totally submissive to their husbands at home, because they like it like that.

    What I certainly object to about modern feminism is the notion that what all women should want is to have a career, to farm their children out to someone else to be looked after, and to be interested in nothing except the frenzied pursuit of some mythical equality where every single job will have 50% females in it.  Which is obviously totally unrealistic.  I also object very strongly to the notion that women should get special treatment when it comes to applying for jobs, having standards lowered in fitness tests etc.  All these things are what put me off modern feminism.

    Another thing that totally puts me off them is their almost complete and woeful ignorance about the women of the past.  Women who are alleged feminists, and who ought to know better, constantly come out with totally idiotic comments like "women were just housewives" "women didn't do anything except cook and clean" "women didn't work" "women weren't taught anything of value" etc, comments that invariably make we want to scream,and make me frankly dubious about the level of intelligence and knowledge of most feminists.  if they can have so little knowledge of, and interest in,t he women of the past, how can they really be trusted to make pronouncements on what the women of the present and the future should be and do?

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