
If you board a spaceship, and travel very, very far into space, will you be able to see heaven and h**l?

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Imagine if you board a spaceship that can go extremely fast, and if you fly long enough, will you be able to see heaven and h**l? If you did, would you choose to enter heaven or h**l to explore? What if the Devil caught you and tortured you in h**l? What if you sneaked into heaven, and you were so amazed by the beauty of heaven that you didn't want to leave, but you feared that God would catch you and punish you? How would you escape and return back safely to earth? Those who give a detailed explanation of what they would do and why they would/wouldn't choose to do it, will get the best answer from me.




  1. you would run out of gas and die and depending on what kind of life you life you will be either stuck in heaven which i wud like or b raped up the *** by hitler in h**l

  2. No, they are spiritual planes. Nothing physical about them.

  3. Heaven and h**l exist here on Earth. Man created Heaven, h**l, God and the Devil.

  4. Heaven and h**l are both here on earth,one day you will escape this planet and leave them both behind.

  5. if you can, you wouldn't know when you get there since heaven-h**l could be microscopic but seem large if you could find it at all

  6. these are all man made things. we have just given them a name for humanity in society. and you can only travel as far you can see because nothing can move faster that speed of light.

  7. no because they don't exist.

  8. Heaven and h**l are imaginary places, that do not actually exist. I can't believe it's the twenty-first century and I actually have to explain that to someone.

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