
If you borrow some one van shouldn't you wash and clean it before you give it back

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my MIL borrow my van for year and gave it back finally and it was not even clean. shouldn't my husband tell his mom to go clean it. stupid women




  1. No rule on is a courtesy to wash and fill it up back with gas...some people are not worth doing favors for...Take Care

  2. Yes but why don't you ask her yourself. You're the one who loaned it in the first place.  Further, you're the one who assumed it would be returned in like new condition.  Clearly an error.   Was your husband surprised at the condition of the van?  People are different.  You may have experienced this phenomenon previously.  Your MIL is just another person who is different from your personal expectation.  In future, if you have specific needs when interacting with other people, best thing is to communicate those needs rather rely on the other people to have standards similar to yours.  Way of the world.  Good Luck

  3. of course  

  4. it is ok :) you can clean it by your is a little work :)

  5. your husband shouldn't have to tell her, she should have done it of her own.

  6. She had a lot of nerve borrowing your van for a year.  That is your vehicle.  She should have bought or rented something if she needed transportation for a year.  Yes, she should have cleaned it or she should have paid someone to detail it before giving it back.  Sounds like your husband doesn't have the courage to tell his mommy anything.  That's why she was able to get the van for a year.

  7. uhhh.....YES

    borrowing guidelines:

    short trips/errands in town - return w/full tank of gas

    long trip - return washed, clean, full tank of gas

    anything else - such as 'borrowing for a year' - should include insurance payments, tag renewal, tires, maintenance, AND returned in clean and with a full tank of gas

    actually if it was your van, and she did none of the above, you should be the one to tell her in a calm manner, if she has problems with it - live and learn and do not repeat the mistake with even the smallest item requested to borrow

  8. Well, if you borrow someone's vehicle for a day or two, I would say, probably not.  But, if she borrowed it for an entire year, you would think she would take it to get washed just as a courtesy to you for allowing her to use it for so long.  Some people just aren't that bright, though.  

  9. That's a bit rude. If my MIL did that, I would definitely say something to her.

  10. yeah of cousre you allowed them to use it and it should come back clean not dirty!

  11. if she had it for a year, yes she should've cleaned it up...but as a good daughter in law, you should clean your MIL feels bad.. haha

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