
If you bottle smelly air...?

by  |  earlier

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If you suck out all the air in a water bottle, (somehow) put the bottle beside something that smells bad, (bad fish, sulfur, bad breath etc...) suck that air back into the bottle, seal if off completely, wait a couple years, and open the bottle... would the air in the bottle still smell like what was put in it?




  1. huh?? why would you do that?!?!? lmao ;]

  2. Things that are smelly react with your nose and other nerves to produce that smell. Those smelly things also react with and pass through thin plastic as in water bottles.

    Now that means that the intensity of the smell would be less after a couple years. But the question as to whether it would still be detectable would depend on original concentrations and  the sensitivity of the nose smelling it 2 years later. Likely it would still be smelled.

  3. mmmmmmmmmmm good question, i dont know how old you are, but if u have years ahead of you do it and get back to us 2010.  

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