
If you bought a house for $250,000 what would be the expected rent i would pay per month.?

by  |  earlier

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If you bought a house for $250,000 what would be the expected rent i would pay per month.?




  1. if you bought a house and took a loan to pay for it see you in 70 years.  Wanna know more about it

  2. If you buy a house you don't pay rent, you pay your mortgage.  It also depends largely on your down payment amount and interest rate.

  3. You'd pay $8 for every $1,000 you borrowed.  If you put $50,000 cash down and borrowed $200,000; your payment would be $1,600.   Can you do that. If so, the house is yours.

  4. i would check the price of apts in the area and charge enough to cover the mortgage about $1250.00.

  5. If you buy a house, the mortgage payment would be $2000 without a  down-payment.

  6. If I understand your question correctly, your question is:

    I own a house that I paid $250,0000 when I bought it.

    You want to rent that house from me.

    What will I charge in rent?

    The answer to that question is that I'll charge you based on what the rental market is in the area -- It really doesn't matter what I paid for the house.  If my mortgage is $1200 per month, I'd want at least that much in rent...but if comparable houses in the neighborhood only get $800 a month, no one will rent from me for $1200.  And if comparable houses get $1500 per month, I'm going to charge that.

  7. The guy above did not specify what rate that was based on.  That would probably be a low estimate depending on what the current interest rate is and how much in taxes and insurance you pay.

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