
If you break the law what Jewish and Catholic groups will come to your aid & organize rallies of you?

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389 workers arrested were charged with using false identification or incorrect Social Security numbers. Two plant supervisors were later charged with aiding and abetting the possession and use of fraudulent identification.

"This is a call for justice. This is a call to be faithful to our American and religious values," Sister Mary McCauley with St. Bridget's Catholic Church said in a statement. "This is a call to stand in solidarity with our Hispanic brothers and sisters."

RALLY information- Postville,Iowa scheduled for July 27 was Organized by Jewish and Catholic groups from Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota.

How can all these groups overlook the basic law?

Our economy is bad and there are many poor and low-income people with needs - what are these charities doing for them?




  1. This is yet another twist to the First Amendment regarding separation of Church and State.  The Church's are blatantly breaking the law by engaging in criminal activity.

    Jefferson said: "I consider the government of the United States as interdicted [prohibited] by the Constitution from intermeddling with religious institutions, their doctrines, discipline, or exercises. This results not only from the provision that no law shall be made respecting the establishment or free exercise of religion, but from that also which reserves to the states the powers not delegated to the United States 10th Amendment. and Certainly no power to prescribe any religious exercise, or to assume authority in religious discipline, has been delegated to the General [Federal] government. ... Every religious society has a right to determine for itself the times for these exercises, and the objects proper for them, according to their own particular tenets."

    And LIKEWISE goes for religious organizations.  They, as well, are not allowed to meddle with US law.

    Jefferson is probably turning over in his grave these days.

    The churches are deliberately misinterpreting both the 1st and the 10th Amendments to suit their own needs and gain membership.  The Catholic Church, in particular needs membership and money for its cofers, especially since it's been losing  so much money in the sexual abuse cases affiliated with its priests. What better way to build wealth than through donations by the Latino community - illegal or not.

    The Jewish community is ALWAYS looking for ways to make the most money in the least expensive way ie. hiring cheap labor - illegal labor.

    If people are opposed to what the church's are doing, write to Congress and request that any religious organization engaging  in illegal activity will lose their tax-exempt status and  be subject to IRS taxations.

    THAT will indeed change their minds - and quickly!

    Hey, anyone can introduce a bill and have it voted on by the people to bring it into law.

  2. I have yet to see any evidence that "poor and low-income people with needs" will fill any of these jobs.

  3. Jewish Defense League

  4. Selective enforcement seems to be favored by these "Religious" organizations. I would like to see their tax exempt status removed. Seems you can pick which laws to obey if you can claim to be on "God's" side. Not what the Constitution has in mind in my opinion.

  5. The churches need these new donors. The collection plate is getting kind of skimpy these days. Hispanics are large givers to the church.

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