
If you break up with a scorpio male, do they just let go?

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I know people are different. And it has nothing really to do with signs. But in general, for Scorpio as a whole. Has anyone dealt with a Scorpio, who said some really harsh things, so then you ended it when they called to apologize. Did they try to work harder for you, or that one call is all I should ever hope for.




  1. Unfortunately, I've also been there and done that. I dumped my Scorpio ex for the exact reason that you mentioned. He was mean and would say the harshest things with no provocation whatsover. When I said something back even meaner though, he would say that I went too far because he had just been joking. So I ended up breaking up with him. I'm sensitive and I can't constantly deal with that. We went months without talking and then about four months after the breakup he started calling me weekly and then daily trying to win me back over. So as a whole, I would say yes Scorpio men do have a hard time letting go.

  2. yes they may call once in a while if they ever actually cared.

  3. They can just leave you with no problems in the short term. But, later down the road, they will have regrets of them dumping you and start thinking about you often when they see that you have moved on.

  4. if you never get a call back, it definitely means they are the typical scorpio. everything you read about this sign has to stand true for that person....and you'll know that they are a true scorpio if they never ever speak to you again. but dont get me wrong, that doesnt mean they dont think about you from time to time, they probably even think about you every single day, and believe me, it hurts, but this sign is very good at hiding their love for someone as it seems to be a weakness, THE number one weakness, in my opinion, of the scorpio.

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