
If you buy a car from a private seller, do you have to pay in full?

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If you buy a car from a private seller, do you have to pay in full?




  1. Unless you plan on ripping them off , yes , why wouln`t you pay the agreed upon price?

  2. Your name fits

  3. not necessarily. depends on the transaction both parties may want to agree on. also read the ownership paper closely.

  4. Ordinarily, one would pay the negotiated price in full with the exchange of the auto title. I have had only one instance and that was cash for title with a clause for " as is" condition. One is better off paying a little more for a used vehicle from a reputable dealer who does extend the warranty beyond the expiration date.

  5. If you are asking if you can ask the seller to let you make payments, or give you a loan, the answer is yes, you can ask but any intelligent seller won't do it, especially with a stranger.

    You should get a loan from a bank or loan company, who will give you a check for the amount of the sale, made out to the seller. Give the check to the seller to pay off the full amount of the price of the car.

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