
If you buy a car from the dealership, can you return it?

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This is in PA. I just bought it on Saturday. Its only been 2 days.




  1. if there is a waranty on it maybe. If not then you will not get even close to the amount you payed for it

  2. Read carefully - ONLY IF THE DEALER OFFERS A RETURN PRIVILEGE IN WRITING. There is no law that gives you the right to return a car, and there's no law that would force a dealer to accept the car in return. The car is worth thousands of dollars less today than it was on Saturday.

  3. You can certainly try, but there is no policy that requires the dealer to accept the return.  

    When you sat in the Finance Managers office on Saturday you signed a binding contract that says you will honor your part of the deal.  

    You can try to beg, plead, or bribe your way out of the deal but the reality is you have no recourse if they say NO.

  4. yes, but not for a full refund.

  5. No there is no return on cars. Cooling off period is for door to door sales only. The dealer may take it back but he doesn't have to. The only other thing you can do is trade on something else and take a loss on it or keep it and drive it...........UJN

  6. No. The best you will get is like trading in a used car. You will be financially killed. Too late now. Those impulse purchases will get you every time!

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