
If you buy a horse and rider magizine when do they actually get to your house?

by  |  earlier

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i've issued a magizine off of one of the children's fund rasiers maybe more that a week ago and i've haven't got it yet .




  1. When the Pony Express delivers it.  :)

  2. I'm not a subscriber of that particular magazine but in general your first magazine can take up to 2 weeks to get to you.

  3. This depends on which magazine or publication you are talking about. Most of the major ones are on a monthly publication and delivery schedule, however, there are some weekly ones out there, such as the Chronicle of the Horse. H&R is a monthly magazine, so your subscription should start sometime in the next month or 6 weeks.

    Happy reading !!

  4. I got a monthly magazine subscription from a child's fundraiser, it took 3 months to get the first issue (different horse magazine though).

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