
If you buy a used car on payments and the people sell it on you is there anythig i can do?

by  |  earlier

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If you buy a used car on payments and the people sell it on you is there anythig i can do?




  1. hope you had a contract is all i can say!

  2. Get a hold of a lawyer. You are able to sue.

  3. You're going to have to define this:

    "the people sell it on you "

    We can't tell what happened.  You bought a used car "on payments", and then something happened. What? When? Who did it?

  4. If you have written proof of the agreement, proof that your payments were in good standing within the requirements of the contract, you didn't violate any other clauses of the contract,  and the contract doesn't provide for the seller to resume ownership of the vehicle at anytime.  Then this would likely be an open and shut case contact a lawyer and the police as this is likely considered theft.  If you violate anything in the contract there may not be much that can be done but contact a lawyer (police won't help but a lawyer may find a technicallity).  And if everything was handled verbally and with cash you have a very difficult fight on your hands but if you can afford it contact a lawyer and if you feel that the law was broken file a police report.  

    If this was done by a buisness and not an individual contact the BBB also they will help resolve complaints.

  5. take em to court, I hope you had a written agreement and kept track of your payments( not cash I hope)

  6. I hope you have a written contract. Otherwise you're out of luck.

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