
If you by chance see Osama Bin-laden what would do?

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We all have Osama in the darkest side of our black book because of what he did to our beloved nation. For this reason, if by chance you meet him one on one what would you do ?




  1. Shoot him, then claim the reward. What else?

  2. Do the same thing bush would hide him from the public and play cards.

  3. If we knew for sure that the man we were looking at was in fact Osama Bin Laden we would immediately contact the nearest FBI office( while we were maintaining a visual on him) and report the sighting to a agent.

    If there was no response in a reasonable amount of time we would shoot him dead where he stood hence saving a public trial and giving him the world stage again.That is what we would do absolutely.

  4. Will ask him.

    What a qualified engineer.

    Were doing in messing and roughing up the heads of the young ones with self lack of knowledge against the wall?

    In hitting them on the head with the Book of the Dead with self lack of knowledge too.

    In making a monkey out of them.

    In messing up human lives of someone else little children.

    In having them all to commit suicide.

    All over a one man's own great dreams?

    In crowning oneself as the man who would be king?

    With crown of thorns and two empty hands with two shrinking balls?

    In kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God?

    All for cheap-skate ghostly stories on glory in idol worshiping the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past from someone else graveyards as glory and success of past glorious civilization?

    Getting them all in climbing up the coconut trees and still look green with lost sense of direction and purpose of life?

    When the dead was dead and buried was long gone with time?

    When they were the living and not the dead yet?

    What can the dead do for the living?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  5. Tell him I'm converting to Islam and want to meet with him and all his top advisors.

    Once we are all in the same room, I'd tell them all that Allah asked me to kill them and I'd do just that.

    Two great results would take place: 1. No more Osama. 2. They all get to go home to their "paradise".

  6. ask for spare change, then strike up a conversation about Brett Favre.

  7. Attack, attack, attack!   But first ask him what his next master plan is!

  8. say hello  

  9. Run

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