
If you came into contact with an Alien, an you could ask one question. What would it be??

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You could ask only ONE question




  1. INS.  Where's your green card?

  2. when will I wake up?

    (aliens don't exist, so logic dictates I would be dreaming)

  3. Can I have a book that tells me exactly how your very fast interstellar spaceship works?  

  4. Is there is some one here that can take our picture together.

  5. Which way is it to the loo?

  6. Would you like a grilled cheese flavored kabob?  

  7. Go get drunk?

  8. Do you know that many us know you are really The Fallen?


  10. where the **** did you come from??!!

  11. Are you really an alian? because if your not a drug addiction isn't healthy.

  12. would you like a cup of tea?

  13. I would ask them in their beliefs in


  14. Will the stock market go up or down tomorrow?

  15. Can I go for a ride? Please, please please.

  16. Who do you think you are fooling?

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