
If you came over to feed my fish...?

by  |  earlier

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and found me tied to the bed, totally helpless what would you do?




  1. Untie you feed your fish and leave

  2. I would untie you and give those fishies a good hard talking to about the dangers and consequences of tying their master to his bed.

  3. I would laugh and scream at the same time. Lolz! Then go and utie you, if u r unconcious, a mouth to mouth should do!

  4. well feed your fish startle a littl e ask you what happen and help you duh and then ask you "WHAT DID U DO"? and laugh at the end

  5. Call the cops

  6. Well ask what happened because there could be a maniac in the house ready to get me if  untied you. Then i'd untie you and feed your fish. I'd call 911 and repirt what i saw and get your family members there.

  7. Laugh :D

  8. tickle you, he he he

  9. Feed your fish, and untie you, then call the cops.

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