
If you can't drink the water in Mexico. What about the ice or the carbonated water in sodas?

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If you can't drink the water in Mexico. What about the ice or the carbonated water in sodas?




  1. What is it with people thinking US water is any better. Get over yourselves. Yes the water can be sketchy so dont drink it but the ice is perfectly safe. Carbonated drinks will also be completely safe. Many carbonated drinks in America come from Mexico no one has ever had problems with that. Just dont go to the street stands. Buy bottled drinks youll be fine.

    I even drank the water before in mexico and never had any issues. The media insists on sensationalizing things as if they dont happen in America. Whatever

  2. EVERYBODY in mexico drinks bottled water.  Restaurants use bottled water for cooking, serving to patroms, and for making ice cubes.  I live in a non-touristy area, and even here there is NO trouble with water or ice in the restaurants.  People who say not to have drinks with ice in restaurants do not know what they are talking about.  Mexican restaurant owners are not stupid...they don't want all their customers getting sick.   You will presumeably be in a tourist area..and you can be assured that the water and ice they serve you is safe  just be sure to use bottled water to brush your teeth and rinse your brush.  You'd be surprised how many people are so conscious of the water and ice served to them, then brush their teeth with tap water!

  3. No Hielo, no ice  you should never get the ice

  4. Most restaurants serve bottled water. The carbonated water is a sterile product. Ice....contrary to popular belief the main danger in Mexican water is not microbial, but chemical. Besides the high levels of chemical contaminants in the water supply the water is also treated with more chlorine than WHO considers safe. But, if you are only going to be here a short while don't worry about it. Also you are more likely to get sick from eating at taco/hamburger stands etc. than from the water. Just use your judgement about what is clean when eating out.

  5. Carbonated water is canned/bottled so it isn't an issue.

    Tap water..... I use it everyday to brush my teeth and there's nothing wrong with it - you're not going to swallow it. But of course never ever think of drinking it........ unless you boil it first.

    In any case, as everyone else said, don't drink any water or ice that is sold by street vendors (and that includes sorbets and similar stuff that they also sell on the street), that can be really dangerous.... just stick to eating in decent places and you shouldn't have any problem with the water or the ice (they will be clean).

  6. Mexican ice is perfectly fine.  Usually you can tell that it was made using purified water because the cubes will have holes in them.  Everyone in Mexico uses bottled/purified water (even the Mexicans).  Just make sure you eat at reputable restaurants (no street vendors) and dont drink from the tap.  You'll be fine!

  7. The last time I was in Mexico, I was careful only to drink canned sodas.  Unfortunately, I didn't think when they opened the can and poured it over ice.  I spent several days in the bathroom.  Lesson learned.

  8. The ice is made from the nasty water so you don't want to make drinks with it. Carbonated beverages are bottled and canned in factories and should be safe to drink.

  9. Can you give the 10 points to PONY please?

  10. bravo PONY...She's right :)

  11. No, don't eat the ice, not in Mexico, and not on the plane back home either. (They will often use local water to make ice on the plane if necessary)  A sealed soda or bottled water you've opened yourself is safe.

  12. We took our family of four to Puerto Vallarta for 10 days last month and had no problems with the water. We had mixed drinks over ice, local juice, and water from various eateries. Eat at the reputable places, not the hole in the walls.

    Mexico (P.V.) has recently upgraded their entire water purification system too. The locals usually offer bottled water to the tourists anyway.

    Good luck.

  13. I wouldn't be too worriend about the ice. I do recomend eating at nicer places though.

    Every one says not to eat the ice and then they down margaritas. Doesn't make much sense to me.

  14. You should never drink water from any home in Mexico. Also don't take the ice it's the same thing. Bottled water, carbonated water, and sodas are all safe. They are from the factories and that water is clean.

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