
If you can't feed your children.....?

by  |  earlier

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would you keep having more? I understand that it is natural to want to have children, I have two amazing children myself, however, if you cannot feed them, why keep having them?

I am not asking this question to be sarcastic. I just want to know why people in countries that have famine and disease would want to bring more children into the world in that type of environment.




  1. My parents went through lean times during the 70's recession. We ate some interesting things but what I remember most was breaking up slices of bread in a bowl, pouring reconstituted powdered milk over it and that was my 'cereal.' Cut the corners, buy the cheapest of everything and get through it. There are good DSHS programs that truly help if you swallow your pride and seek them out. If you have love you will make it. When your kids grow up, and you've raised them well, they will know and appreciate all you had to do.

    What others do is of no consequence, children trust that their parent(s) will always be there!

    As for those who procreate impulsively they are likely uneducated, addicted and chronically miserable. You can hardly expect to apply logic to people living desperate lives.

  2. It's truly a tragedy, but in undeveloped countries, or places where the population has historically been poor, women have alot of babies in hopes that one or two just might survive. Women with a young child that they breast feed, will also breast feed an older child at the same time so it can survive. Sometimes the milk is the only food they have.

    ( I have only had one child, I didn't think I could support a second child myself)

  3. Lots of reasons.

    One, lack of education concerning birth control.

    Two, male dominated societies where women don't have jurisdictions over their bodies.

    Three, if you know that some of your children may die due to famine, disease etc., then you want to have more to make sure that there is someone to take care of you in your old age and to help support the family.

    Four, in agricultural societies children are important to take care of the farm land.

    Five, religious ideology that says having many children is necessary.

    etc, etc, etc.

  4. i have often wondered about the same thing.

  5. THANK YOU; I agree completely. The way I see it is that we can help until we're blue in the face, but in the end nothing will ever be enough because of the population increase.

  6. I stopped at two.  Some people love children and some are just careless and keep dropping em like a pez dispenser.

  7. To be honest it is not a want, it is a lack of s*x be honest education. I have a wife who had 2 girls before 17 years old then not knowingly he mother cut her tubes. she hooked up with a guy and because her mother nor her aunts didn't have proper educations no one sat her down and talked to her about protection.

    The sadest reason is because of culture, if your cultures says have 5-10 kids the women generally do. they go along with it because of fear of losing their husband or being shund in society.

  8. No I would eat the youngest because I'm an animal.

  9. You should read the "Poisionwood Bible". Many 3rd world inhabitants have numerous children for a variety of being that they have so much death among their population that it is presumed that some of their children will having many children increases the chance of a adult surviving offspring. There are also issues with religious and cultural understandings about contraception, access to medical information that is accurate, access to proper medical supplies (condoms/bc), etc.

  10. I can understand the emotional reason, but it's not fair to the children to bring them into the world unless you have got a stable financial situation.

    It's selfish otherwise.

  11. ok first off... keep your kids. you can sell them to africans for slaves and get enough money to  pay for some cereal or something once theyre older

  12. because 3rd world countrys like india doesnt believe in condoms and birth control

    edit: i stared this question because its something to think about.

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