
If you can buy happiness how much would you pay and would make you happy?

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If you can buy happiness how much would you pay and would make you happy?




  1. You can try to buy happiness with the most expensive bottle of wine or be very, very happy with Mad Dog 20/20. Is there any difference ? There is none.

  2. My life is great except my wife won't have s*x.  So I've calculated how much it would cost to live like a playboy in Asia.

    At most:  

    Hotel  $300/night

    Girls  $300/night

    food /drink/expenses  $300/day

    misc/insurance $100

    Total = $1000/day, approx. $30,000 per month

    Monthly plan:

    Penthouse apartment w/ all expenses in a 3rd tier asian city like wuxi, kunming, or chiang mai.   $1500/month

    Live-in harem = $500 month x 10 girls = $5000

    booze, catering, entertainment (local asian) $2000/month

    Total = $8500 / month

    So the monthly plan is much more reasonable.

    If there was more money available to spend, I'd hire a pimp and have him rotate the girls, sort of like Jack Welch fired the lowest 5% every year at GE.  I'd pick what girls were going to stay, and at the end of each week there would be a fresh supply.

    So, to round up, $10,000 month would do it.

  3. Moot point really, you can't buy it. But you can make it, work to give it and get it in return.

  4. I would pay 1 cent cause it doesnt wouldnt cost much, i would still have plenty more money and plus i would have happiness

  5. i would what happiness is worth and yeah happiness will make me happy . sorry my hubby was not for sale so i won his love . i dindt buy it . that is the happiness of my life  

  6. Priceless!

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