
If you can change one thing about yourself what would it be?

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If you can change one thing about yourself what would it be?




  1. I'm afraid I can't narrow it down to only one thing.

  2. I would love to have a flat awesome belly

  3. I would make it so I remember things. I always forget.

    It gets me in trouble quite a lot. I never remember homework. Forget what day it is. Really, it's like I have short term memory loss. The weird thing is I always remember names and faces.

    But basically I don't remember anything else! Ha ha!!!!!!!

  4. I would lilke to have a smaller nose and a bigger *** :P

  5. to undo all the damage i did by baking in the sun when i was a teen.

  6. that's a good question.  I would probably want to change the fact that i can't accept who i am.  Like i'm always so freaked about how i look, talk, act, dress, everything.  I want to have confidence.

  7. i am me, i will always be me. even if sometimes i look in the mirror and i saw "i'm fat" or something like that i will not be myself if i change. i am me.  

  8. my self-confidence could use some help.

  9. the fact that i sin

    and maybe my confidence [boost it up so i can self esteem man] *nerd lolllllll

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