
If you can choose a country to live in (not nationality, only country). Which country? Why?

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If you can choose a country to live in (not nationality, only country). Which country? Why?




  1. I want to travel around ,  but I do want to visit Egypt ,

  2. i would choose the UK , London.

    i m at ease with its people , its underground , streets , squares , parks , countryside .

    i love going to its museums , palaces , theatres , cinemas , everything .

    i can get accustomed to its climate .

    i can work and live there .

    i like it .

  3. canada or australia

  4. france....cause it,s people

  5. Malaysia

    My home,my country,always was and always will be and proud of it.

    PS. Just get rid of the government

  6. with no motions

    not belonging to any nationality or any back ground which made me in favor of my home land then i would choose a different country

    were the sun shines and you see the moon and stars

    were you see the virgin nature in which you look and see the end of land were sky meats the land in a ceremony so silent that you can hear the talk of birds calling one another by their names

    its the place you sleep with no fear of to morrow

    or today or yesterday

    were you can see god and think of god with real calmness in hearts

    that is the country i might choose

    give it a name or names

    no matter

    to watch the sun set and their you see a man or group of men just calling for the prayers hardly you see the faces but you can hear the sound and no one stays away all go and line up behind

    oh thats too much of a country

  7. Idon't have experience to take such decision

    I have no idea about living  away from Egypt

    but I think Libya is good country and its people are very good people

  8. never to America

    if so it is Switzerland

    as it is a peaceful country  

  9. Regardless to all bad things ....wanna go to Turkey cuz it's ma mum country ....Her Ancestors' life were there too

    But if ur talking concerning everything which means regardless NOTHING ....Then to America cuz most my Favourite Doctors and my Friends are there .... plus they always push me to be the best

    That's it

  10. Italy, because it would be my gate way to all of Europe.  All of the culture, history, and frankly, a better quality of life3.  What a great question to come along, and at the right time too.  Thank you.  

  11. Elmadina I call it "city of angels" cause it's guarded by angels, it's very peaceful, you should go there. you gonna love it.

  12. US...because I think that there I have the most chances to succeed in what I want  

  13. MACEDONIA.....

    because its my homeland and its so much beautiful..

    everyone in macedonia is so friendly and we have a very strong culture and lots of churches... 365 to be exact its supposed 1 church for each day :>

  14. That is an extremely good question, very hard to answer though. Its all up to personal preferance. If you are English speaking i reccomend England or Australia. Both great countries, South Africa is also very cool.

    England: Stable Economy, many life options.

    Australia: Great beaches and scenery. Great cities,

    South Africa: Very unique, suprising job oppurtunites within Africa.

    Its really all up to you.

  15. Europe.

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