
If you can get what you want can you satisfy all that you desire?

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These are all good answers to a not so good question. Thanks. I was inspired to ask this question when I found myself thinking of something Schopenhauer once said. He said something like this, "You can get what you want but hardly ever want what you want." Thanks again for the answers.




  1. Yes and no.  We can get all we want and we can satisfy all our desires in the moment.  The exception is that both our wants and desires, imo you can lump them together if you want but that`s another answer, are in a state of constant change.  My desire might be to visit Paris until I do go there and then it could change to visit Tahiti.  It just goes on and on.  After a while of travelling all over the globe I might just want to stay at home for a while.  Yet with time and experiences I am also changing.  There is no end and that is why there is no death.  We choose to switch bodies after a while and that also is another answer, but we do it because we want to, and because it is fun.  Pretty simple if you ask me, but I guess you never did.  So, Cheers!

  2. If the "desire" is from the false identity seeking satisfaction to quench its "thirst," then it is an endless pursuit.  If the desire, however, moves through the entity as a prodding or urge from Source, it is quite another consideration, and can be skillfully experienced and fulfilled in the Now as Its open and willing agent, unattached to outcomes. We are the anonymous actors upon the world's stage performing the play (leela) of All That Is until such time as we realize in consciousness that there is no separation, that we are one with the One.  We are the aspects of the Divine Unknowable rising and falling, coming and going, essentially and ultimately without personal identities.  

    i am Sirius

  3. I think all of this is determined by if you are truly happy about yourself and your life.   Because I believe there is a big difference between what you "want" and what you "desire".  In my opinion wants are completely physical our based outside of ourselves. Where as your desires are planted deeply on the inside and have more to do with fulfilling your soul.  

    So, I think the satisfying part only comes in once you decide whether you want, or desire something in your life.  

    Thanks for reading!

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