
If you can go anywhere you want while astral traveling...could you help people in danger?

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For example..if people the miners..were trapped in a cave..couldn't you go find them and help others get to them? Is this ability for anything useful to humanity...or is it just for fun?




  1. Your question reminds me of a book I read a long time ago:

    Invisible Helpers by  C. W. Leadbeater  1915.   In the book he claims to be an adept who astral travels at night with a young friend to help people in trouble.  

    I do not know if there are people who are doing this , but maybe the angels or guardian spirits people sometimes hear or see could be someone who is astral traveling.  When people experience something they do not understand, the normal human reaction is to come up with an explanation which fits one's culture and preconceived notions.   It may or may not be the right explanation.

  2. Hi Deenie,

    I'm sure they can do it ! but the big question is will they do it?

    We all have the ability to help others in need..even in a normal conscious state..but do we do it?

    How many of us see and accident on a street and walk away cluck clucking instead of taking some action on that

    The universe I personally believe operates on choice..Mother Teresa 'chose' to leave her country and come down to help the poor in India...will we 'choose' to do that??

  3. I'm with 333 on this one. I know a very gifted clairvoyant who can astral at will and has done things like this to help someone. I don't know any specific details except that I know he can do it because he's come to my house before. So, it CAN be done.

  4. Id say that would be more for remote veiwers, cause they are trained to go out..Not that i know much about that.....

    Astral travel happens more without the person planning on doing it, its something that just happens.....Though i could see if someone was in trouble, and a close relative or loved one was drawn to them spiritually...I know cause it happened to me..when i was in grave danger, and completely unconscious...My partner, turned up, and i could see him as clear as day, in my mind, he communicated with me, and got me to wake up and didnt leave me until i did...Now at the time he was in another city....He litterly saved my life....I never forget the look on his face when he came to me, it was just like he was in the room with me...So it does happen.. or people will have physic dreams of lost ones......

    Heres what happened, i got myself in a jam with some people, they knocked me unconscious, put me into a room, and covered my whole body with sheets...No one knew i was there, when all of a sudden my partner, turned up, and was getting me to wake up, took a long time, but i did, I was near death at the point, I managed to get myself up to my feet, and soon as i could i just run out of there, and kept running, until i saw a police car...They called the ambulance.....My partner i thought was dead and i was seeing his spirit, but he was alive and well in another city, he had no idea what had happened, only that he got a feeling of dread come over him, as if to feel something was terribly wrong....He never planned on astral travelling to me, but it just happened, he was drawn to me, at the exact moment...or i wouldnt of been here today...

  5. Very good question. I don't have the ability, but from what I have heard and read of it, an astral traveler has the ability to go wherever they please, in this world and the next. So I don't see why they couldn't help and I don't see why they wouldn't. Now it is possible that they have tried to help and "the blind ones" refused their help. Or maybe it's just the will of god, that those inclined to help might not watch the news and thus not even know about it... and perhaps they have helped in situations but we just have not heard about it.

  6. Humans are selfish.  That includes the humans that astral travel.  You would think with a car and a weekend off of work, you could drive around town and save people from getting mugged, but even through natural means, people are not about to be the superhero.

    So far, astral travelling is for personal enrichment.  You'll only get a world where people are saying "here I come to save the day!" in a place where everybody does astral travelling, and more out of the ordinary things.

    Have to add that if someone would do something like this, they would be taken for granted and expected to do this whether or not they truly wanted to do it.  Enormous peer pressure.  Like cleaning your room -- would you pick up your things if you knew the maid would do it?  I don't think so, and same with this rescuing, that most everyday people would learn to care less if they had a supernatural rescue squad at their service.  It would lower the niceness of mankind.

  7. I'm glad you asked that question. That's a question I've asked before too. You'd think that people with remote-viewing ability or other psychic abilities would be jumping out of the woodwork to help the trapped miners recently in the news, but as far as we know, none did and certainly none were the least bit helpful in finding those lost miners or other lost people for that matter. It appears that one of the hallmarks of psychic ability, if it exists, is its utter uselessness for doing anything of value.

    Edit: Would I believe them? No. But in a crisis situation such as the mining disaster, if the logical places for searching are already exhausted and the searchers are left scratching their heads, then there is no harm in following other leads even if the rationale is lacking, as long as there is a chance. But I stress only after all the logical places to look have been searched since time is of the essence.

  8. The big practical difficulty is...zoom, you're instantly in there with them, but how did you get there?  You didn't follow a map, you didn't see any roadsigns, you just teleported in, and one cave looks just like another.  You have no idea how to reach the scene by conventional means.  You might strike lucky one day, but it's not easy...

    AP isn't that practical really.  Its chief value is as a provider of profound spiritual growth - an unparalled experiential source of answers of a far less physical kind.  But before you use it for that, yes, it's largely just fun, fun, fun...being a kid is part of growing up.

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