
If you can understand a language but not speak it, what is that called?

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For example, you can understand the gist of a conversation but you couldn't participate in it.




  1. It is called language comprehension.

    Language fluency has 4 components:

    Reading: the ability to easily read and understand texts written in the language;

    Writing: the ability to formulate written texts in the language;

    Comprehension: the ability to follow and understand speech in the language;

    Speaking: the ability to speak in the language and be understood by its speakers.  

  2. mutual intelligence?

    francis, in italian, we don't say 'comprendere' we say 'capire'. capire is not from the latin root 'comprehendere'

    english: to understand

    italian: capire

    spanish: comprender

    french: comprendre

    and spanish speakers FOR THE MOST PART can not completely understand italian if they have not studied it. they can surely understand a bit of it if it is spoken slower and clearer. you make it sound like we COMPLETELY understand eachother. noooo! not completely.  i have a mexican friend named Adán and i speak to him in italian and he speaks to me in spanish, and for the most part he kinda shrugs at what i say in italian (of course i remember using words like spaventare, schiaffi, mi piace, faccia...which are completely different in spanish) i could understand him more i think...idk.

    even though spanish and italian are very similar, they still have too many differences for them to be completely understood by the other speaker w/out any prior study.  

  3. Thats what my friend does. she pretty much gets what people are sayn in japenese but cant answers bac. im not sure that there is a specific name for that tho

  4. im almost like that. i can usually and understand regular spoken french if i pay close attention. but when im gonna speak to someone im all nervous and dont wanna make a mistake and i start to trip and all that

    i like to call that half fluent

  5. I call it french.

  6. The old Romans sayed.." comprensionem ad sensum" from verb "comprendo-is.compresus -comprendere" (to understand)

    In italian language is " Comprendere a senso"

    in English is " Comprehension..with sense (on sensation) ???

    Ex.. Italian people and Spanish They undertand in this manner.. Francis-Florence town -Italy...

  7. it means you're not fluent haha.

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