
If you can visit any country in asia, which would you pick? and why?

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If you can visit any country in asia, which would you pick? and why?




  1. i will pick china because china is very big.we could spend our time by visiting the places in china.we could also learn more about history about chinese people in china.

  2. This a good question. I would have to say China and for two reasons:

    1) Amazing culture

    2) Beautiful and unique physical geography

  3. Japan. Tokyo seems a great place to visit.

  4. Japan-for technology

    China-for the great wall of china,go back to the traditional ancient times .

  5. Japan!! it is the most awesome country there..after Korea. My friend went there and she says everything's either cute or cool. lol. also, i love anime and i wanna learn japanese, so going would be such a great experience. maybe china too, but there are a lot of poor places there (so my business teacher says), and that would just make me sad, and if i go to asia, i wanna have fun!! ^_^

  6. Me too... I'm fascinated with this modern country (like time square of Asia).  Love the food and the fashion!  - Japan

  7. Brunei -because one of my friends lives there!

  8. Ooh so many to choose from but I'd love to go to Thailand or maybe India or China. Why, because I love the history, landscapes, art, people etc. that surrounds those beautiful countries.

  9. Japan!! Does japan count as asia?

  10. china so i can give liltle kids food

  11. Vietnam, because you can enjoy it for so many reasons.  First, it's a great place to experience recent American history from a very non-US centric perspective.  Second, it's incredibly inexpensive and it has wonderful beaches and recreation opportunities.  Third, the seafood is so fresh and so great to eat.  You will feel like a king!  There is a strong French influence, so the bread is great and you can get plenty of Western food.  The people are very friendly and many speak English.  

    Get going fast, before it turns into Thailand!

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