
If you cant speak good at your native language is it a good idea going visiting there?

by  |  earlier

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my first language is english or its much easier then korean but when i go to korea this year how would i communicate with them and i dont even know how to talk to girls down there since im am so used to speaking english!




  1. UM, YOUR FIRST language is ENGLISH???

    Better practice on that FIRST. Your English needs serious improvement.

  2. You mean "if you can't speak WELL" at your native language?  You should master English first before attempting another language

  3. I have a disc that teaches Korean.  If you want to learn it you just need to be observant when you go to the store you might have to buy a CD that is part of a set or something where it teaches different languages not just Korean.

  4. well obviously neither one of your languages are up to social par. Work on your grammar, dude.

  5. that's the best time to go. you learn to communicate without words, and you learn to communicate in korean. how would you find the bathroom, or dinner table?

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