
If you cant trust your mother to protect you, who can you trust?

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If you cant trust your mother to protect you, who can you trust?




  1. Your own beloved self

  2. Dear Naomi...sometimes we see ourselves without friends to trust and sometimes without a family...but there is something mystery in our lives that we can not get a perfect family and perfect friends in the same time but we get one of them are if you feel that you can not trust your mother any more try to find a friend that you can trust with but that not mean this friend must agree with you in your point of view about your mother...and remember ...there is a lot of good people in this world.

  3. I'll always put my trust in the good lord.  he Is my rock and my will.  When the world is turned upside down you can bet the good lord is there always through the good and bad.

  4. Anyone can become a parent, that doesn't mean that they are any good at it - that's just the ideal. If a parent has let you down in such a way that it is unforgivable then u should look elsewhere for support - other family members/friends etc. Good luck and my heart goes out to you. x  

  5. If you can't trust anyone especially your mother to protect you, do it for yourself and always remember that God is always there to watch on you. Just have faith and trust in him and everything will soon be fine.

  6. those people that you believe in, aside from your mother and yourself  

  7. Pretty much just yourself!

  8. Sorry to hear this my daughter is nearly 19 ,and id do anything to protect her as well as my two lads, age 7 and 10!

  9. Well i am sorry to hear that your own parent isn't protecting you. I had a simalar problem where my father was beating me and my sisters. I had noone to turn to but i went to the welfare co-ordinater at school and she solved all my problems. If your not at school sign up for couselling. Or ring kids help line

  10. This is a situation that is sad, but must be dealt with, nonetheless. You can deal with it now, or you can suffer until you finally collapse later in life, or you can avoid the whole thing and live in anger, denial, or resort to numbing out with addictive behaviors such as alcohol, drugs, food, shopping, etc.

    Personally, I went the "suffer until you finally collapse later in life" route. The neglect, rejection, and betrayal of not just my mother, but my father, was not my fault. I became technically an adult, but did not actually develop any emotional maturity and lived in constant fear of abandonment. It really sucked.

    Finally, when I was facing a crisis in my life, I went to a couple of therapists until I found the right one. As I worked through my crisis, it became apparent that I had other troubles, specifically stemming from my lack of parental protection as a child. I came to realize that even if I was still backward, it was my responsibility to do the work to create and invite the safety into my life that had not been given to me. I was further able to forgive by realizing that my own mother would not have treated me the way she did, if she had not been damaged, herself, by unfit parents.

    I was, and am, worth working on and protecting, as are all of us.

  11. GOD you and the ones that truly love you.

  12. Trust God that can protect you.  

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