
If you can`t use your phone, why allow using sat/nav whilst driving?

by Guest66841  |  earlier

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If you can`t use your phone, why allow using sat/nav whilst driving?




  1. If you are "using " the sat - nav - including just touching it, you are still committing an offence.  

    I was informed by a VOSA    ( UK Traffic enforcement Gestapo ) officer that:  ANYTHING in the drivers field of vision (sat - nav, 'stick on note pads', fluffy dice etc ) is illegal as it can cause " Blind spots " and must be removed from the windscreen / dash board. If you are involved in an accident, and the investigating officer feels that the objects on the screen were a contributing factor you could be charged as such. But I got thinking. Sun visors drop down in the field of vision, so are they legal??

  2. Probably because you rarely use your hands to operate the sat nav whilst you are driving. Most people programme it before setting off!

  3. there is ruling against it.

    comes under due care and attention, the same as fidling with the stereo.

    get a copy of the highway code

  4. Because once you set it up you keep your hands on the wheel and turn it off after you stop, so just dont use your cell phone.

  5. Bloomin' guid question. Huv ye ever taken a wee trip in a taxi?? The cabbie guy is constantly fiddlin' wi a wee screen thingy and pressin' buttons on it. Think he's linin' up his next job. It gies me the heebeegeebees, surely he's no' payin' full attention tae his drivin'!!!

  6. Probably because its quicker to return your hands to the wheel, using a mobile phone in your hand requires not only attention, but the use of one of your hands which cant be returned quickly to the wheel.

    Although anything that distracts you from the traffic infront of you is a serious risk, and if the police saw you messing with your sat nav and not paying attention to the road they would still pull you over and book you for 'driving without due care and attention'.

    So although its legal you are still obligated to have your attention focused on the road at all times.

  7. Because it's a double standard.

    Why is it okay to ban cell phones but still have CB radios be okay?  None of it makes any sense.

    I personally find my Sat Nav can be a bigger distraction that talking on a cell phone.  That being said, do we really need all these new "common sense" laws that tell us that we need to make sure we keep the road the number one priority while the wheels are turning?

    For all those who answered saying you set it and go... consider this...  You LOOK at your sat nav while driving, granted it's only breif glances, you don't have to look at your cell phone while you are talking on it.  What if you have to make a correction while driving, add a detour or punch in a new destination?  Yes, I know you COULD pull over, but the thing is most people don't.

    Cell phones take a bad rap because SOOOOO many people have the dang things anymore, including alot of bad drivers!

  8. You don;t have a two way conversation and you don;t need to hold it to your ear.

  9. Yes, it is a distraction. Probably only a matter of time before an incident occurs and there are strong calls to outlaw them. There again, the massive market and revenue generated by these things will likely have a bearing on matters. Reinforces the belief that somethings are more equal than others.

  10. You don't normally hold a sat/nav system to your ear.     But still,  those things can be distracting and get you into trouble.    Many often send drivers down the wrong way on one way streets,   dead end streets,   or through road closures for various reasons.      Drivers of large vehicles,   trucks and RVs  can be sent over load restricted bridges and low clearances.  

    It is truly a sad statement of our culture that we put more trust into electronic toys than ourselves for safe routing and map reading.     Who is the idiot that wrote that map program anyway?

  11. Its just another petty law made-up to keep the police busy. Police are finding better ways to turn a blind eye to real crime. This is just another public display tactic.

  12. Nobody is forced to use either a cell phone or a GPS device...Since we feel that driving is such a no-brainer - why, we just have to have something to do or I will go stark raving CRAZY!!!!...Unless one is a professional driver or a traveling salesman, there is really no need for the rest of us to have one because we wouldn't use it very often.

    We are creatures of habit...We take the same trails, usually at the same time of day...These are our comfort zones...There are not too many places where I can get off the beaten path and use dead reckoning and the latest technology to get me where I want to be...GPS, along with a 6-CD stereo and cup holders at each seat are really cool things to list as accessories on your vehicle.

    I can get to my destination a lot easier if I map out my route, including alternate routes and places to stop before I get in my vehicle...I can look at the entire route on the computer and have an idea in my mind about what I can expect down the road before I even get in the car...Minimum surprises.

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