
If you capture a crime or an accident on camera can you sell it?

by  |  earlier

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If you captured a plane crashing or a violent crime in progress..Can you sell the tape to the victims? Or will the stupid police just steal it from you?




  1. I guess that you could sell it to the victims but if the police catch you then they will most likely take it from you.

  2. NO!

  3. it would be unethical to do that. give a copy to the police.

  4. That would be blackmail, and is also illegal... as is knowing of a crime and not reporting it.

    And why on earth would the victims of an accident want a tape of it?

  5. If the police know you have it, they'll ask for it, and legally they can take it from you. But you don't have to offer it up if they don't know about it.  

  6. Sure - if you are an amoral, unethical slime bucket.

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