
If you change insurance companies within the same year, will you have to pay another deductible?

by Guest66986  |  earlier

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I'm 6 months pregnant and have ins. with my employer, I had to pay a $1000.00 deductible in January (this year) when I went in for an ultrasound. I couldn't pay it all in one lump sum, so the hospital put me on a Creditcare plan that I pay monthly (until I finish paying the deductible in full) In February, all employees were switched to another insurance company. Must I still continue to pay that deductible from the previous insurance? Will I have to start all over with another deductible? When I was put on Creditcare, I was told I had been considered as meeting the deductible even though I'm making payments. I'm scheduled for another ultrasound soon, and I'm just not certain if it'll be covered thru the previous insurance or if I'll have to start a whole other deductible (with the new insurance) on top of what I have to currently pay.




  1. Deductible credit carry-over within the same calender year is a common feature of many plans. Get your plan document or call the insurer for more info.

    Usually, you would get a letter or a copy of your Explaination of Benefits (EOB) from the prior insurer, documenting that you already met the deductible for this year, then you send that to the new insurer. Work with your employer, their agent, or the insurer, document all your contacts, and FOLLOW through to make sure that it's handled.

  2. Since you're staying with the same employer and the employer is just switching insurers mid-year, its possible that you'll get credit for whatever was accumulated towards deductible with your prior insurer.

    However, the only way to verify that for sure will be to either ask your HR or your new insurer if you're receiving credit for your prior deductible.  Keep in mind that sometimes those credits take awhile to load, could take awhile for it to reflect in the new insurer's system.

  3. Yes you will have to continue making payments on the deductible with the previous insurance.  If the other insurance became active in February your next doctor's visit will be billed to that insurance.  Unfortunately you will also have to pay the deductible for the new insurance as well.

  4. You will have to continue paying the $1,000 deductible with the hospital. However, more than likely, any amount the employees met toward the deductible with the old carrier will carry over to the new carrier since this was due to a carrier change. Check with your HR dept for that info.

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