
If you commit a crime and you were in anyone of the military branches,do they take away your benefits.

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Also other privileges.Like the home they give you and other stuff.




  1. You will probably be mustered out with a bad conduct discharge. Not only will you lose everything they provided, you will never be allowed to set foot on government property again.

    Another words, Do the crime, pay the price.

  2. what homes do they give, please explain that more, Because I didn't know the gov gave away homes

  3. That would depend on the outcome of either a court martial, civilian trial, or article 15 action. The commanding body will then determine the punitive action to be given to the service member, which could include incarceration, restrictions, loss of rank and or benefits, dishonorable discharge. A discharge under less than honorable will usually include loss of benefits.

  4. The military gives away houses, where do apply for my house?

    Can i request a certain size and style? I want a pool and a two car gurage as well......

    does it come furnished or do i have to do that?


  6. ok who did you kill just tell me! i wont tell the government

  7. It would depend heavily on the crime. If you committed a serious criminal offense in the US you may be dishonorably discharged, in which case you would loose privileges and immediate benefits (houseing etc), and you may also loose pension and veteran's benefits.

    If you commit a serious civilian offense overseas then you may be transfered and disciplined internally, but you will likely not face local criminal proceedings as the US usually has an immunity deal protecting you from prosecution.

    If you commit a serious military offense such as a war crime or a crime against humanity you have little to worry about as people only ever get pulled up on those for political reasons. If McCain is elected and you kill a few people or bomb a few market places you're sitting pretty, if Obama is elected you are more likely to be thrown in jail.

  8. No. But, if you are on the retired list and you are convicted of a Federal felony you lose the rights to your military pension.  

  9. you better believe they would take away stripes, rank, money, benefits, or give you a dishonorable discharge, which effects the rest of your life (i guess it all depends on the severity of the crime though).  they can do anything they want.

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