
If you connect a HD set top box to a HDTV will it give the same picture/resolution as a FULLHD TV??

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We're planning on buying this new Panasonic 42inch plasma..

it's an HDTV its the Panasonic 42" TH-42PH10AK Plasma.. its an HDTV, and we want the best picture out of it.. so we were wondering if by connecting a HD Digital Set Top box, if it will give the same picture quality and resolution as a FULL HD tv,

thnx for you help!! =)





  1. Uh... No. Not if the HDTV you are planning on Getting isn't 1080p. It's just an HD Tuner!! ALL HDTV's have one Built-IN!!

    If you Buy a New HDTV, it wil ALREADY have a Built-In HDTV Tuner IN it!! So, it is Piontless to buy an HDTV Tuner for it!! :P

    Every HDTV you buy Brand New will Definitly have the HDTV Tuner Built-In!!!!  Keep that In mind!!

  2. What do you mean by "full HDTV" Your Plasma is an HDTV, the set top box which you say is a HD unit will give you full HD quality...

  3. I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Could you please clarify?

  4. I think I know what you're asking.  For the most part you will get the same picture quality with an HD digital set top box as you would with the TV's built in tuner.  I did a quick search and it seems that this model does have the tuner built it.  Some plasmas and LCD's are sold as monitors or they state that they are TV's but fail to mention they lack a built in HD TV tuner.  Make sure the specs specify that your TV does have a "built in" TV tuner.  Some may not mention it because it's assumed they do; just don't be fooled by a lower price.  That may be why.  I have my 42" LCD hooked up to an HD set top box and I can toggle between it's built in tuner if I choose.  I must say that certain 1080i channels seem to look a little better using the built in tuner compared to the box.  That's comparing the same channel using HDMI. But since most HD channels (right now) are only in 720p and the TV you're getting only supports up to 720p then you probably won't even notice the difference.  The 1080i/p channels will be down-graded to 720p.

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