
If you cops cover up for eachother one another cop does wrong how does that make you any more then a gang?

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cops should go after ALL criminals including there own kind

how many of you actually do that




  1. No answer-I don't like trolls.

  2. Who do you think investigates and arrests cops who commit crimes, the cub scouts?  You're not getting many answers because your question is designed to insult not to get information (trolling).  So just sit back, take another hit off of your bong and chill.  You might get one or two more responses.  Be careful though, you don't want that chip to fall off of your shoulder.

  3. Police corruption at the local level is often pursued by state or federal agencies. The answer is not as simple as you would like. A simple mind would think exactly what you've written. However, if you work in any form of public service you know that things often aren't what they seem nor are they how one would expect them to be. Literally speaking, yes, Police should go after fellow officers that are in the wrong. However, them having the ability to do so is what you don't understand which is why the matter is referred to "higher up" organizations and takes years to investigate before anything can be done.

    No one answering your question means nothing other than people don't know what to day. As for me, I just stumbled upon your question and had no problem answering it.  

  4. Most officers will not answer a question unless there are specific details, or a link to a credible news source.

    Try to add more details.  

  5. You are not getting numerous answers because it appears as though you are "trolling" -

    You already know that police investigate other officers.  Open any newspaper and you can find a story about it.

    I agree - you not "getting no answers really says somthin".

  6. I agree with everyone else who has answered. Also...if you have any spare time between smoking pot and writing this dribble, try to take an english literature course. You sure could use it.

  7. We have recently been the victims of some crimes. One officer that responded was pure c**p right down to altering the report to make it look as though the crime was our fault, threatening us with arrest for reporting the crime and further threatening us if we ever called to report a crime at any time in the future. We later talked with other officers and to a man they said the same thing, "Go to internal affairs and report his behavior and the threats. We do not want someone on the force like that." These officers knew who the offender was without being told.  As with many crimes they were unable to do anything because they did not witness to the offense.

    Having worked for a police department as a dispatcher I have both learned to hold those who try their very best to be honest, fair and just.  I have also learn to abhor those who go on an ego trip and think that the job gives them the right to bully the weak.

    There is one thing that turns my stomach more than a bad cop. That is anyone that would bait for hate. You are like someone who would stand on the side trying to incite a riot just so you could have a good laugh at the fight you caused. The police are just people too and sometimes they make mistakes. You, Sir, are nothing better than a hatemonger!  

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