
If you could, how would lessen the price of oil?

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it's 140$ per barrel now, so i was wondering if you could do some changes, what would you do to make oil cheaper?

"Oil surged above $140 a barrel in New York trading, compounding fears that soaring inflation will hamper a global economy already on the ropes."

so what would you do to change this huge problem that takes a nice little chunk out of your wallet/purse.




  1. Sure wish there was somehting that would help, as you can see, demand is down by billions of gallons from last year, but you hear so many that continue to say supply and demand....demand is down all over the globe, so they can no longer use this excuse.

    The truth of the matter is that the prices are in the hands of those who are buying oil futures...they control the prices, and they know it.  Bed Styon was on FOX just last week i belieeve sayin that he knows some of then and had recently been in the same room with those wonderful futures buyers, and that they knew and understood what they were doing to us, and found that what they were doing was rather funny, and did not feel bad in the least that they were raping our pockets, and love the fact that they are this powerful.  So now the question is, what is the democratic congress going to do aobut it.....same as they did the big oil exec's. nothing.  When fall and winter arrive, there will be a much grim picture for all to will see our children starve, our elderly starve, we will begin to look like those from 3rd world countries.  We are already having to make adjustments to the way we live and eat....but with the rising cost of oil, and food, and then Democrats are going to raise our taxes when they get into office.....many will not survive, you will see record number of people dying this winter due to the greedy futures market, speculators, democrats, oil exec's.  They are all in this together.  I predict when mothers and fathers loose their children due to starvation, and the elderly begin to die, you will see a great deal of anger from many americans....and they will be going after anyone who they feel is responsible for the deaths of ther family member(s).  I wish you all luck in teh future, we sure as h**l are going to need all we can get.

  2. nothing.

    in the EU, gasoline costs twice as much.

    and in case you hadn't noticed, the euro is going up compared to the dollar.

    so maybe if gasoline goes higher it'll be better.

    here in the US, we're incredibly stupid.

    countries that export oil have cheap gasoline.

    countries that import oil have expensive gasoline.

    and high gas taxes.

    the US hasn't yet figured out that we import oil.

    so we still have low taxes.

    which encourages us to drive SUVs.

    maybe the price of oil isn't as important as the national level of stupid.

    it would be good if i was surprised at the number of people here who complain, "How can we make gasoline cheaper?"

    unfortunately, i'm not.

    demand for gas and oil is increasing dramatically in Asia.

    and will continue to do so.

    the price of oil will continue to rise.

    somewhere on TV today, some "analyst" said that maybe oil would go up to $180 a barrel by 2015 or so.

    how 'bout Christmas.

    it's absolutely incredible how many of us just refuse to see the future.

  3. Lessen the demand by introducing cleaner technologies. In fact, kill oil as a fuel, BYE BYE PROBLEM!

    Also there is no need to complain as us in the UK are charged waaaaay more than you folks in the USA, your prices are great!

  4. Well, its a tough issue.  But, i have some ideas.

    First, we must increase the production of oil.  It must go up, but not toooo much.  Let's hope that some moderate increases by the Saudis (if they do in the future) can have an impact..I hope..

    But I think we should really try to increase alternative energy.  We must try to increase solar, wind, and hydrogen power.  We should provide incentives to companies (just like how McCain and Obama have offered) that create goods that use alternate energy. Reward companies that make cars with alternate energy.  Give tax breaks, etc and fund investment into 'green energy.  Also, we must buy more cars with MPGs.

    There needs to be incentives to create better MPG cars.  Also, if its possible, there needs to be a way to make SUVs more fuel-efficent.  If not, then there needs to be rewards and tax cuts for companies that make clean energy vehicles (or ones with great MPG).

    Lastly, consumers need to make changes.  They need to use more ways of transportation besides cars (bus, train, or maybe carpool if they wanna use cars).  Also, consumers can use alternate energy as well and cut back on their usage of vehicles.  My ideas and i hope you enjoyed them.

  5. Send our troops into Saudi Arabia and take over.

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