
If you could, would you drive a steam powered car?

by  |  earlier

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In fact we used to have them... Maybe by the time they come out again we can burn US dollars, or Chivas Regal, to power them.




  1. I think Al GORE is developing a car and a JET AIRPLANE (his) and a couple of mansions across the world, that actually run on BULLSHIET. And hes doing quite well  .................

  2. ha! i would definitely buy it, why just ride it if it has good efficiency and perfomance.

  3. thats sick dude. I would use one.

  4. Yes, but No magic bullet here. A stream car still uses some fuel  to burn, to create steam from water. Do you have any good ideas of what fuel to burn?

  5. Definetley

  6. No.  I'd go for a battery operated car that goes 100 miles on one charge.  Some are driving these right now.  With no parts to buy or service and no gasoline needed, big car manufacturers aren't interested.

    These cars are expensive but maybe in the future, the price will come down and that will be the way to go.  No pollution !

  7. yes, but with more of a modern look.F150 super cab.

  8. Steam cars ran on oil and water.  Their MPG wasn't so good.  They also run on mechanics.  The Air Force complains that the B-2s are hangar queens... but they never had a steam engine to compare it to.

    I volunteer in the mechanical department at a railway museum, so I know a "little" about steam engines.  Mostly that any organization that gets one is going to see its mechanical and fuel budget go up in smoke... if they get their Form 4s approved!   When you see one of those beasts actually running... stand in awe of of the people who did it.

  9. I live in a long term drought impaired part of the South-East. Not a viable alternative.

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