
If you could,what would you do?

by  |  earlier

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if there were no consequences, and no one would think different of you and no one too point or gasp or any thing?

I'm tired of living in fear and feel like i'm missing out on so much because of it.There are so many things i want to do but my current situation keeps me from doing it?

Please tell me i am not alone by telling me what you would do?




  1. i would hurt a specific person (only one specific person that caused harm to someone else that i care about).  

    i would...grrr, i would do "some serious damage" to his face.

  2. I would walk around naked.

  3. U r not alone.

    We are our worst enemies.

    Remove the blocks to ur heart's desire. This world is ur oyster. Go out there and make it happen. Follow ur bliss. Really. People will talk - let them. U r not living their lives and they are not living yours. Your duty is to be true to urself and to the uniqueness that u are.

    If I could conquer my roadbloacks, I'd be living a much more happier and fulfilled life and completely fulfilling my potential.

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