
If you could Donate or Help ONE Children's organization....?

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What would it be? Ex. medical foundation, orphanage, the starving,etc.? Please be specific and why?




  1. Demelza House Children's Hospice in Kent, England. Been donating there for 4 years, and love it. They are a wonderful charity, are very grateful for everything they receive and aren't one that solicit all the time for money. When you send them a check, they simply send you a thank you letter, and they don't keep bugging you for more. They are grateful to whatever you can send, but they won't push you for more money like other charities, who keep sending you letters in the mail, the second you donate. They will also accept anything from Baby/Toddler clothes, to toys/games/books, stickers and arts and crafts. Party supplies, etc. They are my charity of choice.

    You can read more about them, here:

  2. Make a Wish Foundation for children with cancer

  3. You could sponsor a child who is underpriviledged by going to children international .com or They are both very reputable.

  4. orphanage,

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