
If you could HAVE ANY OF THESE....?

by  |  earlier

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a chance to lose your virginity over again and do it right

your choice of revenge against someone who did you wrong

the ''pimp my ride'' guys to make over your vehicle

your own personal trainer

$10,000 cash tax free




  1. $10,000 cash tax free--heck who wouldnt..

  2. MONEY

    s***w all the other stuff. No pun intended.

  3. I would pick the chance to lose my virginity over again, Bad the first time

    I really need the money now so can I have both,

  4. 10,000 cash tax free!

    because with tax you will have three dollars left!

  5. Not a chance to lose my virginity over again.  I did it right the 1st time.  It was with my love of my life and I waited until I was ready, and we have been together for 15 years, and married for 10 years this week.  No regrets.

    Not the revenge either, what ever you do, comes back on you sooner or later, so they will get theirs, if they haven't already, and I have never been a mean person to someone else.

    Not the pimp my ride, because my ride is pretty nice.  I have a brand new 2008 Tahoe that's loaded, and it's sweet.

    Not the personal trainer, because, I don't think I'm that out of shape.  I don't look that bad.

    I guess I would take the cash.  I won $10,000 on the powerball lottery last year, but it gone already.  I bought Christmas gifts, and new furniture.  But I only ended up with like $6,200 after taxes, so having the entire $10,000 would be great.

  6. the cash

  7. iutgbhmnipoy7874er65767

  8. Most likely $10,000 dollars for me. I wouldn't mind the cash :-)

  9. Money

  10. i"d have the cash, thank"s.

  11. $10,000 cash tax free  

  12. $10,000 cash tax free.

  13. My own personal trainer or $10,000 cash

  14. I'll take the cash, please.

  15. $10,000 dollars cash tax free, please. everything else i don't really care about

  16. Revenge against the person who killed my best friend.

  17. I'll take the money please!  :-)

  18. the money

    revenge is better in your head, and although id love to have it, i dont think it comes free of spiritual or psychological consequences

    pimp my ride guys, no way, i cant stand them or the crazy stuff they put in peoples cars

    id love the trainer but i can do it fine on my own, or i coudl rent the trainer part time with some of the cash

    virginity shmirginity, thats long gone, not an issue, sure theres a thought of preferences, but i wouldnt change it really

  19. $10,000.00 cash tax free. pay off some bills and free up my money so i can quit 1 of my 2 jobs.

    no revenge , God is in control of that.

    personal trainer , only if he has red hair and green eyes !!

    the "pimp my ride" guys , sorry , i like my vehicle to look normal.

    the other one , not going there !!

  20. I'll take the cash.

  21. 10 000 cash tax free  :)

    then i could 3 out of the remaining 4;...

  22. I will take the tax free cash thank you.

  23. ok:

    1. not lost virginity

    2. no-one's done me really badly wrong

    3. don't own a car

    4. no desire to get fit whatsoever

    I'll take the cash....

  24. My Virginity....♥

  25. I'd have the cash as it would come in handy at the minute

  26. it would be a toss up between the last 2

    more so a personal trainer would help me the best right now, even though I could use the cash

  27. $10,000 cash tax free.

    i'd give it to charity.

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